
对酒当歌-I lift my drink and sing a song
人生几何-For who knows if life be short or long
譬如朝露-Man's life is but the morning dew
去日苦多-Past days many, future ones few
慨当以慷-The melancholy my heart begets
忧思难忘-Comes from cares I cannot forget
何以解忧-Who can unravel these woes of mine
唯有杜康-I know but one man... the God of Wine
青青子衿-Disciples dressed in blue
悠悠我心-My heart worries for you
但为君故-You are the cause
沉吟至今-Of this song without pause
呦呦鹿鸣-Across the bank a deer bleats
食野之苹-In the wilds where it eats
我有嘉宾Honored guests I salute
鼓瑟吹笙-Strike the harp! Play the flute
皎皎如月-Bright is the moon's spark
何时可辍-Never ceasing never dark
忧从中来-Thoughts of you from deep inside
不可断绝-Cannot settle, cannot subside
月明星稀-Stars around the moon are few
乌鹊南飞-Southward the crows flew
绕树三匝-Flying with no rest
无枝可依-Where shall they nest
山不厌高-No mountain too steep
水不厌深-No ocean too deep
周公吐哺-Sages rush when guests call
天下归心-So at their feet the empire does fall