






Their eyes met at the same instant,Therese glancing up from a box she was opening,and the woman just turning her head so she looked directly at Therese. She was tall and fair, her long figure graceful in the loose fur coat that she held open with a hand on her waist. Her eyes were gray,colorless,yet dominant as light or fire,and,caught by them,Therese could not look away.She heard the customer in front of her repeat a question,and Therese stood there,mute.The woman was looking at Therese,too,with a preoccupied expression, as if half her mind were on whatever it was she meant to buy here,and though there were a number of sales girls between them.Therese felt sure the woman would come to her. Then Therese saw her walk slowly toward the counter,heard her heart stumble to catch up with the moment it had let pass,and felt her face grow hot as the woman came nearer and nearer.



Therese thought her beautiful, though her face was a blur now because she could not bear to look at it directly.She got something out of her handbag,a lipstick and compact,and Therese looked at her lipstick case — golden like a jewel,and shaped like a sea chest. She wanted to look at the woman's mouth,but the gray eyes so close drove her away,flickering over her like fire.


The dusky and faintly sweet smell of her perfume came to Therese again, a smell suggestive of dark green silk,that was hers alone,like the smell of a special flower. Therese leaned closer toward it,looking down at her glass. She wanted to thrust the table aside and spring into her arms,to bury her nose in the green and gold scarf that was tied close about her neck. Once the backs of their hands brushed on the table,and Therese’s skin there felt separately alive now,and rather burning.Therese could not understand it,but it was so.Therese glanced at her face that was somewhat turned away,and again she knew that instant of half-recognition. And knew,too,that it was not to be believed. She had never seen the woman before.If she had,could she have forgotten? In the silence,Therese felt they both waited for the other to speak,yet the silence was not an awkward one.


Carol pronounced her name the French way,Terez. She was used to a dozen variations, and sometimes she herself pronounced it differently. She like the way Carol pronounced it,and she liked her lips saying it. An indefinite longing,that she had been only vaguely conscious of at times before, became now a recognizable wish. It was so absurd,so embarrassing a desire,that Therese thrust it from her mind.



Carol came up behind her and set her hands on Therese’s shoulders. Therese could see her hands in her memory—flexible and strong, the delicate tendons showing as they pressed her shoulders.It seemed an age as her hands moved toward her neck and under her chin,an age of tumult so intense it blotted out the pleasure of Carols tipping her head back and kissing her lightly at the edge of her hair.Therese did not feel the kiss at all.


Then Carol slipped her hands under her shoulders,and bent her head down to Therese's throat,and Therese felt the tension go out of Carols body with the sigh that made her neck warm, that carried the perfume that was in Carols hair.



“What’re you standing there for?”Carol asked.‘Get to bed,sleepyhead.”


“Carol, I love you.”


Carol straightened up.Therese stared at her with intense,sleepy eyes.Then Carol finished taking her pajamas from the suitcase and pulled the lid down.She came to Therese and put her hands on her shoulders.She squeezed her shoulders hard, as if she were exacting a promise from her, or perhaps searching her to see if what she had said were real.Then she kissed Therese on the lips,as if they had kissed a thousand times before.


“Don’t you know I love you?”Carol said.


Therese pulled out the light.Then Carol slipped her arm under her neck, and all the length of their bodies touched, fitting as if something had prearranged it. Happiness was like a green vine spreading through her,stretching fine tendrils, bearing flowers through her flesh. She had a vision of a pale white flower,shimerin g as if seen in darkness, or through water. Why did people talk of heaven,she wondered.


Carol’s fingers tightened in her hair, Carol kissed her on the lips,and pleasure leaped in Therese again as if it were only a continuation of the moment when Carol had sipped her arm under her neck last night. I love you, Therese wanted to say again, and then the words were erased by the tingling and terrifying pleasure that spread in waves from Carol’s lips over her neck, her shoulder,that rushed suddenly the length of her body.Her arms were tight around Carol, and she was conscious of Carol and nothing else, of Carol’s hand that slid along her ribs.


Carol's hair that brushed her bare breasts,and then her body too seemed to vanish in widening circles that leaped further and further, beyond where thought could follow.While a thousand memories and moments,words,the first darling, the second time Carol had met her at the store, a thousand memories of Carols face, her voice, moments of anger and laughter flashed like the tail of a comet across her brain. And now it was pale blue distance and space, an expanding space in which she took fight suddenly like along arrow.The arrow seemed to cross an impossibly wide abyss with ease, seemed to arc on and on in space, and not quite to stop.Then she realized that she still clung to Carol, that she trembled violently, and the arrow was herself. She saw Carol's pale hair across her eyes, and now Carol’s head was close against hers.And she did not have to ask if this was right, no one had to tell her, because this could not have been more right or perfect.She held Carol tighter against her, and felt Carol’s mouth on her owns smiling mouth.Therese lay still,looking at her, at Carol’s face only inches away from her, the gray eyes clam as she had never seen them, as if they retained some of the space she had just emerged from. And it seemed strange that it was still Carol’s face, with the freckles, the bending blonde eyebrow that she knew, the mouth now as calm as her eyes, as Therese had seen it many times before.




She wrote to Carol late that night.

The news is wonderful.I celebrated with a single daiquiri at the Warrior.Not that I am conservative, but did you know that one drink has the kick of three when you are alone?...I love this town because ital reminds me of you.I know you don't like it anymore than any other town,but that isn't the point.I mean you are here as much as I can bear you to be, not being here..



Carol wrote:

You ask if I miss you. I think of your voice, your hands, and your eyes when you look straight into mine.I remember your courage that I hadn't suspected, and it giv es me courage. Will you call me, darling?



She stood in the doorway, looking over the people at the tables in the room where a piano played.The lights were not bright, and she did not see her at first, half hidden in the shadow against the far wall, facing her.Nor did Carol see her.A man sat opposite her, Therese did not know who.


Carol raised her hands lowly and brushed her hair back,once on either side,and Therese smiled because the gesture was Carol,and it was Carol she loved and would always love.Oh,in a different way now,because she was a different person,and it was like meeting Carol all over again,but it was still Carol and no one else.


It would be Carol,in a thousand cities,a thousand houses,in foreign lands where they would go together, in heaven and in hell.Therese waited.Then as she was about to go to her,Carol saw her,seemed to stare at her incredulously a moment while Therese watched the slows me growing,before her arm lifted suddenly,her hand waved a quick,eager greeting that Therese had never seen before. Therese walked toward her.



