情不知所起 一往而情深

1.Don't let other people's wandering footsteps crush your beautiful dream of tomorrow. There is no such thing as an endless banquet. Perhaps this world is only hazy.


2.This life, there is always a person, always can not pass with you, but you really want to live with him


3.When you hear something that is obviously irrelevant, you will think of you several times in your heart.


4.I just want someone to understand me, even if I didn't say anything.


5.Love is to give someone the power to destroy you, but firmly believe that he/she will not hurt you.


6.The so-called love is that there is a person who can easily control your emotions, making you cry one moment before and make you laugh the next.


7.In my world, you are still pure, only this world is dirty.


8.One day, you will meet a gorgeous person like a rainbow, who is really excited.
