035 E10 A be different from B 不同为什么用from

今天训练宝贝学谁与谁不同时介词要用 from。

A be very different from B

A 和 B 很不同

——Annual Letter From Melinda & Bill Gates

Reflecting on the first two decades of our foundation


When we started our foundation 20 years ago, the world was, in many ways, very different from the one we live in now. It was before 9/ll, before the Great Recession, and before the rise of social media.


——Annual Letter From Melinda & Bill Gates

梅琳达 和 比尔·盖茨的年度信函


the world was, in many ways, very different from the one we live in now.

那时的世界 在很多方面都 和 我们现在的生活方式 大不相同

句子里was 和 different from分开了,仔细琢磨这样写作很妙:

① was 暗示了前面的主语是过去的那个世界;

如果逗号紧随 the world,后面的插入语从结构角度讲应该是个同位语才比较漂亮,但in many ways显然是状语,看来作者很想强调这个状语的内涵,才特意提前插在这里,符合英语的强调和重点都尽可能前置的美感习惯,于是,这个was必须在插入语前面。

为什么是 from 不 是 to ‍♂️呢?


❀ from 定义之一:

used to show a difference between two people or things = (用于说明两个人或事物之间的差异)和,与。

——The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.


❀ to 定义之一:

在to的定义里,to是一个表达方向,未来趋势......的介词,意义很多,唯一一个与差距有关的定义是时间的差:used when saying the time, to mean before the stated hour

——It's twenty to six.差20分钟到6点。