
When I arrived at college, I expected everything to quickly fall into place. I’d be that girl in the movies who started off 1 and nervous, but then found her 2 and had the world at her fingertips. All my life I had been told that college was where you 3 exactly who you were and I had assumed it would happen right away.

However, this didn’t happen. I watched the girls on my floor become best friends while my roommates and I were only 4 . I remembered being 5 of a girl on the football team because upon arriving at college, she 6 had a group to bond with. I had tried out the psychology club, but found it 7 . I knew there were other 8 on campus, but I had no idea where to start.

9 by 15,000 other students, I felt lost. My response was to 10 in my room, but I always wondered what was going on 11 my dorm room walls. I grew lonely and got down on myself for not being more 12 .

Later, I 13 college itself is not a catalyst (催化剂) for finding myself and that I had to put myself out there 14 I wanted new experiences. I still had no idea 15 I was looking for but I 16 to make some changes, I joined a volunteer club and even took classes in acting. Each time I 17 something new, I felt nervous. But gradually I found myself accustomed to meeting new people and 18 my comfort zone.

Feeling lost made me 19 myself. I could have spent all four years in my room 20 why nothing was changing, but instead I devoted myself to campus life and became better.

1. A. outgoing B. shy C. active D. lazy

2. A. friends B. parents C. professors D. relatives

3. A. believed in B. held back C. figured out D. gave away

4. A. strangers B. partners C. acquaintances D. companions

5. A. proud B. ashamed C. afraid D. jealous

6. A. immediately B. rarely C. finally D. eventually

7. A. funny B. boring C. attractive D. illegal

8. A. goals B. courses C. competitions D. options

9. A. Inspired B. Influenced C. Defeated D. Surrounded

10. A. hide B. exercise C. study D. sleep

11. A. within B. beyond C. against D. between

12. A. aggressive B. smart C. generous D. social

13. A. imagined B. realized C. suspected D. denied

14. A. although B. unless C. if D. while

15. A. who B. which C. what D. where

16. A. agreed B. failed C. promised D. decided

17. A. spotted B. tried C. occupied D. missed

18. A. expanding B. limiting C. setting D. designing

19. A. hate B. abandon C. push D. relax

20. A. wondering B. celebrating C. discussing D. researching