名师精讲|A Level物理 Motion and forcesMoment知识点

Moment也是motion and forces这部分内容中比较重要的知识点,也有很多同学对这个知识点的理解不是很透彻,那么在今天的文章中我们就一起来学习一下moment。

Moment,也就是力矩,在日常生活中其实有很多应用,比如开门,拧螺丝,跷跷板等等, 这都是应用力矩的例子。那么力矩到底是什么呢?


● Moment is the turning effect.

●Moment is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the pivot point to the line of action of the force.

力矩就是力对物体产生使物体转动的效果,力矩的大小与力的大小以及从轴点到力的延长线上的垂直距离有关。在上面提到的例子当中,开门的时候,大家往往会从远离门轴的位置去开门,拧螺丝也会握住扳手的最远端。这样的做法其实都是在增加所说的垂直距离,可以用最小的力达到同样的转动效果。那么在这里我们要注意的是,所谓的垂直距离,是指从pivot point到力的延长线上的垂直距离。


● The principle of moments:

for an object in equilibrium, the sum of the clockwise moments=the sum of the anticlockwise moments about the same point.

● For an object in equilibrium, the resultant force on it is zero and the principle of moments should be applied (resultant moment is zero).

当物体在平衡状态下(in equilibrium), 物体resultant force为零,说明no motion,物体还需要resultant moment为零,说明no rotation。这两个in equilibrium的条件同学们在答题的时候也要注意哦。


A student is being weighed. The student, of weight W, stands 0.30m from end A of a uniform plank AB, as shown in Figure 1.

The plank has weight 80N and length 2.0m. A pivot P supports the plank and is 0.50m from end A.

A weight of 70N is moved to balance the weight of the student. The plank is in equilibrium when the weight is 0.20m from end B.

Determine the weight W of the student.


题目中关键词是in equilibrium,那么可以用the principle of moments来计算。题中的plank weight 80N对应的距离为0.5m,weight 70N对应的距离为1.3m,这两个力的力矩是clockwise moment;学生的重力W对应的距离为0.2m,力矩是anticlockwise moment。


Step1:the sum of clockwise moments = the sum of anticlockwise moments about the same point

Step2: 70x1.3+80x0.5=Wx0.2



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