知識點 Day1:換個說法說 I think

如果你不想總是以 I think 開始表達想法,你可以試試下面的這些:

I suppose that...

1️⃣I suppose/guess .... 例句:

I suppose that you are right. 我認為你是對的I guess so 我覺得是這樣的

2️⃣I would say 或 I'd say .... 例句:

I would say it's almost time to pay our bill. 我想說差不多是付賬的時候了。

3️⃣If you ask me .... 例句:

If you ask me, there's something to be changed. 要我說,有些事情需要改變了。

4️⃣The way I see things/it .... 例句:

The way I see things, when you're in a place you forget what it looks like from the outside. 從我的角度來看,有時候真是當局者迷。


To my mind .... 依我看To me .... 對我來說To be honest .... 老實說