His doctor mom is a superhero 武汉小男孩:“我的医生妈妈是超级英雄!”

words: 193 time: 4'


In the eyes of 5-year-old Youyou, his mother is like Ultraman (奥特曼), a cartoon superhero who fights 1.________ guys every day.

His mother Lu Jingjing is a dermatologist(皮肤科医生) at Wuhan Children’s Hospital. She is now working at a mobile cabin hospital(方舱医院) and taking care of the novel coronavirus patients there.

Since Lu 2.________ home for the cabin hospital, Youyou has asked his mother every day through video chat how many viruses she has killed, and helped her add them up.

“He may not know clearly why I’m away from home, but he knows that I’m fighting the virus,” Lu said. “Every time he said, ‘Mom, I miss you’, I couldn’t stop 3.________ .”

Lu has not told her parents that she is working with novel coronavirus patients. “I am a dermatologist, so my parents think that the virus has 4.________ to do with my department (部门) and that I’m staying away from novel coronavirus patients,” she said.

“We will surely 5._______ the fight against the virus, and medical workers and patients can go back home,” she added.


add (sth.) up 合计;加算

eg. He can add up in his head quite easily.


1. bad

2. left

3. crying

4. nothing

5. win


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