
Bill Gates


Yesterday, I did a Reddit Ask Me Anything session on COVID-19. As usual, Redditors asked a lot of smart questions, and it was a great opportunity to have a fact-based discussion about this pandemic and what we can do to prevent the next one. (And as I mentioned in this exchange, it’s nice to have so many positive interactions in such an uncertain time.)


Below is a transcript of all the questions I could get to (lightly edited for length), along with my answers. I’ll be sharing more about COVID-19 here on the Gates Notes and on my social channels. In the meantime, stay healthy and keep washing your hands!


1. What about the current crisis worries you the most? What gives you the most hope?


The current phase has a lot of the cases in rich countries. With the right actions including the testing and social distancing (which I call “shut down”) within 2-3 months the rich countries should have avoided high levels of infection. I worry about all the economic damage but even worse will be how this will affect the developing countries who cannot do the social distancing the same way as rich countries and whose hospital capacity is much lower.

当前,很多富裕国家也深陷疫情。如果采取合理的措施,包括检测以及“保持社交距离”(Social Distancing),我称之为“闭关”(shut down),那么在2到3个月之内,这些国家应该就能避免大规模感染。我担心疫情带来的所有经济损失,更糟的是,这一切将如何影响发展中国家,他们无法像富裕国家那样进行隔离,医疗条件也要差很多。

2. Can you explain briefly what most Americans can do to help other Americans in this moment of crisis?


A big thing is to go along with the “shut down” approach in your community so that the infection rate drops dramatically to let us go back to normal as soon as possible. Some people like health care workers will be doing heroic work and we need to support them. We do need to stay calm even though this is an unprecedented situation.


3. Is there any chance that the 18-month timeline for development of a vaccine can be shortened, and by how much?


This is a great question. There are over 6 different efforts going on to make a vaccine. Some use a new approach called RNA which is unproven. We will have to build lots of manufacturing for the different approaches knowing that some of them will not work. We will need literally billions of vaccines to protect the world. Vaccines require testing to make sure they are safe and effective. Some vaccines like the flu don’t for the elderly.


The first vaccines we get will go to health care workers and critical workers. This could happen before 18 months if everything goes well but we and Dr. Fauci and others are being careful not to promise this when we are not sure. The work is going at full speed.

我们获得的首批疫苗将提供给医护人员及关键岗位的工作人员。如果一切顺利,或许用不了18个月,但我们和安东尼·福奇(美国传染病专家Anthony Fauci博士)以及其他人,都需要谨慎地避免在不确定的情况下做出承诺。疫苗研发的工作正在全速进行。

4. I’d also like to ask the same thing, but with regards to the timeline for an effective treatment.


A therapeutic could be available well before a vaccine. Ideally this would reduce the number of people who need intensive care including respirators. The Foundation has organized a Therapeutics Accelerator to look at all the most promising ideas and bring all the capabilities of industry into play. So I am hopeful something will come out of this. It could be an anti-viral or antibodies or something else.

有效的治疗办法应该会比疫苗早出现。理想的情况下,这将减少需要采用呼吸机等措施的重症监护病例。盖茨基金会已经组织了一个“治疗加速器”(Therapeutics Accelerator)项目来发掘最有前景的治疗办法并汇集整个行业的能力。我期待能催生出有前景的方案,可能是抗病毒药物,抗体或其他治疗办法。

One idea that is being explored is using the blood (plasma) from people who are recovered. This may have antibodies to protect people. If it works, it would be the fastest way to protect health care workers and patients who have severe disease.


5. As an educator, what is something I can do for my students, especially for my low-income students who don’t have access to technology during this time? I have tried to send reassuring emails (including cat pictures), but I worry about the educational impact, as well as the long-term impact to my students’ wellbeing.


It is a huge problem that schools will likely be shut down for the next few months. I am impressed by the creative approaches that many teachers are coming up with to teach remotely. (If you are a teacher reading this, thank you for the work you’re doing.) But I know that not everyone is set up to teach remotely. There are a lot of good online resources out there, including Khan Academy, CommonLit, Illustrative Mathematics, Zearn, and Scholastic. Comcast and other internet connectivity providers are doing special programs to help with access. Microsoft and others are working on getting machines out, but the supply chain is quite constrained. Unfortunately, low-income students will be hurt more by the situation than others so we need to help any way we can.
