
考點一 名詞的數

規則1 單數名詞變為複數名詞的基本規則

①以-o結尾的名詞變為複數時,常在詞尾加-s,但下列名詞要加-es:Negroes, heroes, echoes, potatoes, tomatoes(趣味記憶:黑人英雄在回聲中吃土豆、西紅柿)。

但下列以-o結尾的名詞既可以加-es,也可以加-s:zeros (zeroes)零,mosquitos (mosquitoes)蚊子,volcanos (volcanoes)火山。

②以-f或-fe結尾的名詞變為複數時,一般直接加-s,但下列以-f或-fe結尾的名詞需要把f或fe去掉,加-ves:selves, lives, thieves, wives, knives, leaves, shelves, wolves, halves。(趣味記憶:為了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手裡拿著刀子和樹葉站在架子上,把狼劈成兩半)。

但下列以-f結尾的名詞既可以去掉f加-ves,也可以直接加-s,它們是:handkerchiefs (handkerchieves) 手帕,scarfs (scarves) 圍巾。


規則2 有些物質名詞或抽象名詞在表示具體或特定事物時,可具體化為可數名詞,其前面需要有不定冠詞。常見的這類詞有:a pleasure/pity/surprise/success/failure/shame, an honour/a bright future/a strong character/a great help/a waste of time。

The World Athletics Championships held in Beijing are recognized as a great success.


規則3 有些名詞的單、複數形式表達不同的意思。chicken雞肉/chickens小雞;fish魚,魚肉/fishes各種魚; paper紙/papers試卷,報紙,文件;water水/waters水域;room空間/rooms房間;time時間/times次數,倍數,時代;arm手臂/arms武器……

規則4 有些名詞形式上雖是單數,但表示的是複數含義。people, police, cattle, staff, public, “the+adj.”或“the+分詞”(表示一類人或物)。

考點二 名詞所有格

規則1表示有生命名詞的所有格時,在詞尾加“'s”。the boy's bag,men's rooms。此外,表示時間、距離、長度、重量、價格、世界、國家、城市等無生命名詞的所有格也可在詞尾加“'s”來表示所屬關係,意為“……的”。a twenty minutes' walk, a ten miles' journey, two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。

規則2 若名詞已有複數詞尾s,只加“'”。the workers' struggle。

規則3 of屬格:無生命名詞的所有格用of結構。a map of China, the end of this term, the capital of our country, the colour of the flowers。

規則4 如果兩個名詞並列,且分別加“'s”,則表示“分別有……”;若只有後一個名詞加“'s”,則表示兩個“共有”。John's and Mary's rooms(兩間);John and Mary's room(一間)。

規則5 省略格:在表示店鋪、教堂、診所的名稱或某人的家時,名詞所有格的後面常省略它所修飾的名詞。at the doctor's 在診所;at my sister's在我姐姐(妹妹)的家。

規則6 雙重所有格:of+名詞“'s”結構。a friend of my father's, works of Lu Xun's。

誤區之一  名詞“數”的誤用

(1)【誤】 During the past few days, many visitor just like me have come here to experience the distinctive scenery.

【正】 During the past few days, many visitors just like me have come here to experience the distinctive scenery.

[分析] visitor是可數名詞,被many修飾,故用複數形式。句意:在過去的幾天當中,許多和我一樣的遊客來到這裡,體驗這裡與眾不同的風景。

(2)【誤】 The beauty of the village consists in its clean airs and peaceful environment.

【正】 The beauty of the village consists in its clean air and peaceful environment.

[分析] air是不可數名詞,沒有複數形式,故airs改為air。

誤區之二 物質、抽象名詞“具體化”的誤用

【誤】 She went into my room and got big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor.

【正】 She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor.

[分析] surprise本來是不可數名詞,此句中轉化為可數名詞,意為“一件令人驚訝的事”,故在big前加a。句意:她走進我的房間,當她看到地板上的那些書時,大吃一驚。

誤區之三 名詞“格”的誤用

【誤】 A girl comes in. She's got a small, brown, leather wallet in her hand. She thinks it's Peter.

【正】 A girl comes in. She's got a small, brown, leather wallet in her hand. She thinks it's Peter's.

[分析] it指代wallet,與Peter不能構成同一關係,根據句意可知,此處應是“彼得的錢包”,故Peter 應改為所有格形式Peter's。

誤區之四 名詞作定語的誤用

【誤】 There is fierce competition among the three shoes shops in the street.

【正】 There is fierce competition among the three shoe shops in the street.

[分析] 此處指商店的性質,用名詞的單數形式作定語。