[英语口语系列] Introducing Yourself 在不同场景下作自我介绍

Introducing Yourself 自我介绍

Introducing Yourself in a Casual Situation





“Hi”, “Hello”, “Hey!”

“How are you?”

“How’re you doing?”

“How’s it going?”

“Are you alright?”


“My name’s Jane, what’s yours?”

“I’m David. What’s your name?”

“You can call me Tom. How about you?”


“Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.”

Intrducing Yourself

ina Casual Situation

Introducing Yourself On The First Day

Of A New Job 新工作第⼀天上班



“Hello, I’m Anne. It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Hello, my name is John.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.


“I’m Jason. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

“I’m Jason. It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”

Introducing Yourself When You Give A Talk 作报告


范例一:“My name is Kate. I’m a manager now,

but I started out as a customer service

representative just like you all here.

I remember one day, during my first

week here, I was buried in calls, and

all of them were complaints!

But by following the steps I’m about to

share with you, I not only managed

my workload efficiently, I also reached a

record-high satisfaction rating from

our customers.”


“My name is John. I’m an engineer.

We engineers usually hate any kind of

public speaking, but these results are so

exciting that I have to share them with you!”


“Hello, my name is Tom. I work in sales.

I know, salespeople love to talk, but I will

do my best to stick to the most important


Introducing Yourself Professionally

On The Phone 电话中自我介绍

“Hi, this is Eric, with Benson Insurance.

We provide peace of mind for local

seniors and I’m calling to ask about

your current life insurance plan. Is this a

good time to talk?”

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