


The Three Monks

There is a small temple on a mountain. In the temple, there lives a young monk. Every day, he carries water, cleans the temple and preys. Not long after, a thin monk comes to the temple. He sees that the temple is very clean and quiet. So he decides to stay here. On the first day, the thin monk drinks up half of the water in the vat. The young monk is a little angry, he asks the thin monk to carry water. But after that, the young monk doesn’t carry water again. The thin monk thinks it’s not fair. Then he asks the young monk to carry water together. So they carry water together every day. The life is still good for them.

Some days later, a fat monk comes to the temple. He likes this temple too, and he also stays.


The fat monk is thirsty. But there is no water in the vat. The young monk and the thin monk ask him to carry some water. So he carries a vat of water. But he drinks up the water by himself.

The other two monks are very angry. Since then, they don’t carry water, clean the temple and prey.

One night, a mouse comes to the temple to eat. It overturns the candle and the whole temple is on fire. The three monks comes to put out fire but there is no water. At last, the whole temple is burned down. The three monks have nowhere to live. They regret so much.



monk 和尚,修士 temple 寺庙

live 住 carry 挑,提,拿(第三人称单数


prey 祈祷,念经 quiet 安静的

not long after 不久之后

decide 决定 stay 留下,待在

drink up 喝光 half 一半

a little 一点儿

vat 缸 angry 生气的

ask…to… 让…去… again 又,再

think 认为,想 fair 公平

together 一起 life 生活,生命

also 也

still 仍然 thirsty 渴的

by himself 他自己,独自

since then 从此以后 the other 另外的

mouse 老鼠 overturn 打翻

on fire 着火了 put out 扑灭,熄灭

at last 最后 whole 整个的

be burned down 被稍微灰烬

nowhere 没有地方 regret 后悔



