适合摘抄的温柔文案:你来人间一趟 你要看看太阳



Cherish all unexpected encounters, despise all leaving without saying goodbye, and strive to cherish every present moment. Only when the world knows nothing can there be surprises everywhere.


Shan Ye Wanli, you are my romance hidden in the stars


All tender sentimentally attached love to you is like a shining star.

啄木鸟:哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒。 树:我没病,你别啄了。 啄木鸟:没病走两步。 树:滚。

Woodpecker: dalai dalai dalai. Tree: I'm not sick, please stop pecking. Woodpecker: Take two steps without illness. Tree: Get out.

拉上窗帘 把房间变暗 倒头就睡 醒来刚好日落 夜色温柔

Close the curtains, darken the room, fall asleep and wake up just as the sun sets and the night is soft.


When you accidentally touch your arm, you blush. Every name you write for me in the textbook is like a love letter.
