
Fox News says the coronavirus death toll is inflated. Experts say the opposite.


Andrew Romano 安德鲁·罗马诺

Yahoo News 雅虎新闻April 9, 2020, 9:20 PM GMT+82020年4月9日,格林尼治标准时间晚上9:20 +8

In his 2014 book “The Loudest Voice in the Room,” journalist Gabriel Sherman reported that top Fox News executives meet every morning to strategize about how the network can angle its daily coverage to advance the Republican Party’s political agenda.

记者加布里埃尔·谢尔曼(Gabriel Sherman)在2014年出版的《房间里最响亮的声音》(The高声呐喊)一书中写道,福克斯新闻的高管们每天早上都会开会,制定战略,讨论如何调整每日报道的角度,以推进共和党的政治议程。

After first downplaying the threat of the coronavirus, then accusing Democrats of overhyping it to hurt President Trump, then claiming the “cure” of shutting down the economy could be worse than the disease, Fox News’ hosts now seem to be following a new set of marching orders when discussing the deadly pathogen: questioning whether all that many people are really dying from it.


Like each of its predecessors, Fox’s latest pandemic talking point — that the coronavirus death toll could be exaggerated because it includes individuals who had other health issues in addition to COVID-19 — doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.


“We’ve made it very clear, every time I’ve been up here, about the comorbidities,” Dr. Deborah Birx, the U.S. coronavirus response coordinator, said Wednesday during the White House coronavirus task force press briefing. “This has been known from the beginning. So those individuals will have an underlying condition, but that underlying condition did not cause their acute death when it’s related to a COVID infection.”

周三,美国冠状病毒应对协调员Deborah Birx博士在白宫的冠状病毒工作组新闻发布会上说:“每次我来这里,我们都非常清楚地说明了共病的情况。”这事从起头就知道了。所以这些人会有潜在的疾病,但这种潜在的疾病不会导致他们的急性死亡,当它与急性感染有关时。”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, also made a point to weigh in, cautioning against such “conspiracy theories.”

美国顶级传染病专家安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)博士也提出了自己的看法,对这种“阴谋论”提出了警告。

“They are nothing but distractions,” Fauci said. “Let somebody write a book about it later on. But not now.”


Yet that didn’t stop former Fox News host Brit Hume from appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show Tuesday to speculate that the overall U.S. death toll — by Thursday, more than 14,800 and rising — may be inflated.


“There are lots of people who are asymptomatic who may have other terrible diseases,” Hume said. “And if everybody is being automatically classified, if they’re found to have COVID-19, as a COVID-19 death, we’re going to get a very large number of deaths that way, and we’re probably not going to have an accurate count of what the real death total is.”


Carlson agreed, adding that “there may be reasons people seek an inaccurate death count” and that “when journalists work with numbers, there sometimes is an agenda.”


As if on cue, Fox anchor Harris Faulkner joined the chorus Wednesday — even though she is a member of the network’s news division, not an opinion host like Carlson or an analyst like Hume.


“The federal government now is classifying all COVID-19 patient deaths as such, regardless of whether any other underlying health issues were a factor,” Faulkner said before playing a clip of Birx confirming that “if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.”


“How many of those people had other health risks at play, though, and maybe it wasn’t in fact COVID-19 that caused their death?” Faulkner asked.


Despite the furrowed brows on Fox, however, Faulkner’s question isn’t all that hard to answer. According to actual experts, if there’s any problem with the COVID-19 death count, it’s not that it’s too high.


It’s that it’s too low.


Fox News’s Harris Faulkner. (Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)

福克斯新闻的哈里斯·福克纳。(罗伊Rochlin /盖蒂图片社)

The first thing to note is that despite all the innuendo on Fox, there is nothing unusual about the way the media or the government is counting coronavirus deaths. In any crisis — whether it’s a pandemic or a hurricane — people with preexisting conditions will die. The standard for attributing such deaths to the current crisis is determining whether those people would have died when they did even if the current crisis had never happened.


When it comes to the coronavirus, the data is clear: COVID-19 is much more likely to kill you if your system has already been compromised by some other ailment, such as asthma, HIV, diabetes mellitus, chronic lung disease or cardiovascular disease. But that doesn’t mean patients with those health problems would have died this week (or last week, or next month) no matter what. The vast majority of them probably wouldn’t have. COVID-19 was the catalyst — the reason they died now and not later.


Given the potentially large number of asymptomatic cases circulating in the population, it’s possible, as Hume suggested, that some number of people who never got sick from the coronavirus but tested positive and then died from a different underlying cause are being mistakenly counted as COVID-19 deaths. But that number is likely to be vanishingly small, for one simple reason: People who don’t feel sick aren’t getting tested.


Much larger is the number of people who aren’t getting tested even though they have experienced symptoms. And that’s why, contra Fox News, experts say the coronavirus death toll is almost certainly an undercount. As Birx noted, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed by a test. But as the New York Times reported Sunday, “inconsistent protocols, limited resources and a patchwork of decision making from one state or county to the next” have made it impossible to test every likely coronavirus death. Victims with flulike symptoms in February and early March weren’t tested. Victims in rural areas, where coroners say they don’t have the tools they need to detect the disease, still aren’t being tested. Victims who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes aren’t being tested.

更多的人没有接受检查,即使他们已经经历了症状。这就是为什么,福克斯新闻,专家说冠状病毒死亡人数几乎肯定是被低估了。正如Birx所指出的那样,美国疾病控制与预防中心只统计了经检测证实存在冠状病毒的死亡人数。但正如《纽约时报》(New York Times)周日报道的那样,“协议不一致、资源有限,以及各州或县之间的决策拼凑”,使得检测每一例可能的冠状病毒死亡病例成为不可能。2月和3月初出现类似流感症状的患者没有接受检测。农村地区的受害者仍然没有接受检测,因为那里的验尸官说他们没有检测这种疾病所需的工具。那些死在家中或负担过重的养老院的受害者没有接受检测。

Meanwhile, “postmortem testing by medical examiners varies widely across the country, and some officials say testing the dead is a misuse of scarce resources that could be used on the living,” the Washington Post reported over the weekend. “In addition, some people who have the virus test negative, experts say.”

与此同时,据《华盛顿邮报》(the Washington Post)上周末报道,“全国各地的验尸官对死者进行尸检的做法差异很大,一些官员表示,对死者进行尸检是对稀缺资源的滥用,而这些稀缺资源本可以用于生者。”“此外,专家说,有些人的病毒检测呈阴性。”

“You can’t rely on just the laboratory-confirmed cases,” Marc-Alain Widdowson, an epidemiologist who left the CDC last year and now serves as director of the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp in Belgium, told the Post. “You’re never going to apply the test on everybody who is ill and everybody who dies. So without doubt — it’s a truism — the number of deaths are underestimated globally.”

流行病学家Marc-Alain Widdowson在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时表示:“你不能仅仅依靠实验室确诊的病例。”他去年离开CDC,现在担任比利时安特卫普热带医学研究所所长。“你永远不可能把这个测试应用到每个生病和死去的人身上。毫无疑问,全球死亡人数被低估了。”

When adjudicating debates over the data, it’s worth checking both sides’ sources. In the case of the Times, the Post and other mainstream news outlets, these sources include “hospital officials, doctors, public health experts and medical examiners.” Fox News’ sources, on the other hand, appear to be right-wing media figures such as Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin. “People die on this planet every day,” Limbaugh said during an April 2 segment on the “massive speculation” that virus patients may actually be “dying because of other things”; Levin has suggested that “heart failure, heart disease, a heart attack” may account for an “inflated” and “extraordinarily misleading” number of reported COVID-19 fatalities.


“I have suspected this for weeks,” Levin crowed Tuesday on Twitter.


Yet when Faulkner asked her panel Wednesday whether comorbidities were inflating the overall COVID-19 death count, Fox News medical contributor Dr. Janette Nesheiwat said, “I don’t think it’s going to be a huge discrepancy in the data in the end.”

然而,当福克纳周三问她的小组,共病是否导致了covid19死亡人数的增加时,福克斯新闻(Fox News)的医学撰稿人珍妮特·内舍瓦特(Janette Nesheiwat)博士说,“我不认为最终的数据会有很大的差异。”

A day earlier, even Trump himself described the death count as “very, very accurate.”


“When you say death counts, I think they’re pretty accurate on the death counts,” Trump said. “The death counts, I think, they are very, very accurate.”


Cover thumbnail photo: Alex Brandon/AP, Roy Rochlin/Getty Images封面缩略图:亚历克斯·布兰登/美联社,罗伊·罗克林/盖蒂图片社