
LESSON 8 The falls of Niagara

第八课 尼亚加拉瀑布

The most striking feature of North America is the vast chain of lakes which separates Canada from the United States.


Lake Superior, the greatest of these inland seas, is the largest body of fresh water in the world.


The four other principal lakes are, Lakes Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario; from the last of which issues the noble river St. Lawrence, which runs an uninterrupted course of seven hundred miles before it reaches the Atlantic.


Lakes Erie and Ontario are united by the river Niagara, the length of which is thirty-three and a half miles. On this river, about twenty miles from Lake Erie, the celebrated Falls are situated.


The Niagara, as it leaves Lake Erie, is three quarters of a mile in width. Before reaching the falls it is one mile broad, and twenty-five feet deep, and flows with great swiftness.


An island, on the verge of the cataract, divides it into two sheets of water. One of these, called from its shape the Horse-shoe Fall, is six hundred yards wide and one hundred and fifty-eight feet in height. The other, called the American Fall, is two hundred yards wide and one hundred and sixty-four feet high.

