雅思口语P3: 被延误的重要行程 (1-4月新题)


Describe an important journey that was delayed

1.Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?

原创答案:Indeed, near-to-zero costs of tickets can encourage people to choose public transportation to travel , but it has done relatively little to the number of people who drive as far as I observe. If people have a car, they are inclined to use it rather than getting transport. It is not cost that is a motivating factor for drivers to take public transport. It is convenience and comfort , for the former, people can reach any destination where maybe exists no public transport station ,similarly , people do not have to endure with the stress from the crowd in bus or metro.(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.How can transportation in rural areas be developed?

原创答案:There are a few ways to tackle the problems associated with the limited availability of public transport in areas facing remoteness. First and foremost, authorities should increase the budget for funding of rural transportation system. The second step will be addition of paved roads to rural road network in such way as them are connected to strategic points for survival such as hospitals, schools, shops, and make them accessible for the major of countryside. As well as this, a bus fleet of the public transport should be increased and new bus routes should be added. These measures will help country people to improve their quality of life(雅思口语P3情报站)