
Wang Xl, Born Chinese nationalAnswered Oct 10, 2016More than a century ago, Eight-Nation Alliance sent their troops to China during the Boxer Rebellion. The “humanitarian intervention” was so successful that they quite easily occupied and looted the whole imperial capital of Pekin, including the Forbidden City, making the emperor, empress, and everyone capable of running fled the capital.Which eight-nation, you may ask?US, UK, Japan, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia.So if we exclude Austria-Hungary which died like 20 years later and add Canada which was a British colony, what do we get?Yeah we get G8.They may fight with each other, their flags may change, and they may not wave their big guns under your nose, but the world order has NEVER changed. Your dad is still your dad.




Tom McGregor, I lived in Beijing since Oct. 2010Answered ThuI’m not the biggest follower of globalist organizations, but I do know the G7 exists and according to my understanding, it should represent the seven most powerful and richest countries in the world. I had incorrectly assumed that China was a member of the G7, based on simple logic.


Nevertheless, I was proven wrong and discovered that Canada retains membership in the G7, but China does not. I was totally shocked to discover the news and so I will verify the official G7 list: United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Canada.


I can understand why the US, UK, Germany, Japan and France are listed, but according to GDP (gross domestic product) rankings, how do Italy and Canada qualify? You can review the world’s top ten largest economies, posted by the World Economic Forum.According to rankings, Italy ranks - #8, right behind India - #7, while Canada is ranked - #10, right behind Brazil - #9. China is the world’s second-largest economy, while India’s market is bigger than both Italy and Canada.


China and India both deserve full membership to the G7, while there are no legitimate reasons to grant special status to Italy and Canada. Perhaps, one could argue that Italy holds powerful sway among European unx member states, but what argument can Canada give to demand recognition as a G7 member?


Outside Canadian borders, does anyone believe that Canada should be a G7 member? Even its neighbors to the south, we Americans do not know much about Canada, except that Justin Bieber, the pop singer, comes from there and that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has issued a mandate demanding its citizens say, “peoplekind” instead of “mankind.”For the record, I’m neither a Justin Bieber fan, known as a ‘Belieber’ or supporter of PM Trudeau. Perhaps other leaders of the G7 are ‘Beliebers’ and hence have granted approval for Canada to keep its membership, but does anyone think that US President Donald J. Trump is a secret Justin Bieber fan? I doubt it and in the upcoming G7 summit, Trump should address the topic of membership qualifications.


In regards to my personal opinion and nobody else’s, China and India deserve to join the G7, while Italy and Canada should be expelled. If the G7 wishes to represent the interest of the world’s top seven largest economies, they should agree to change the listing of membership when global economic conditions warrant it.


And Italy’s current political and economic climate stand in turmoil as they struggle to keep the government running and its enormous public debts continue to pile up. The Guardian newspaper described Italy as a “slow motion train wreck” reports that:

“Since Italy returned to the European exchange rate mechanism in 1996 – after withdrawing from it in 1992 – it has surrendered its monetary sovereignty to the European Central Bank. In exchange, it has enjoyed much lower inflation and borrowing costs, resulting in a dramatic reduction in interest payments – from 12% of GDP to 5% – on its massive public debt.Still, Italians have long been uncomfortable with the lack of an independent monetary policy and that sense of lost control has gradually overshadowed the advantages of euro membership. The adoption of the euro has had massive implications for the millions of small and medium-size enterprises that once relied on periodic currency duation to offset the inefficiencies of Italy’s economic system and remain competitive.”



One should expect that Italy’s government should take greater priority on fixing its own economy, instead of fretting over G7 matters.


The G7 should make adjustments in our fast-changing world and switch members when necessary. Do they really need Italy and Canada? I don’t think so.


------------------------------------------Victor Shi, lives in ChinaAnswered FriThat birds of a feather flock together is a natural thing. G7 are all rich democratic old-industrialized western allies. On the summit, they have similar social or economic development phrase and similar mindset, common topics and common interests.China is too different from most aspects. Joining G7 will only brings distrust and argument, even quarrel. So China should stay cool .



history studentAnswered FriG7 is a political group, consisting ONE big brother, and 6 OTHER countries.if you are common rational chinese, WHY are you interested to join G7? those combined 6 countries are smaller than your country. WHY wasting your time to negotiate to those 6 countries who kept INSULTING you for decades?NO INTEREST.this is the answer why china will never join G7 or G8 NONSENSE.



Douglas Chapel, B.A. in Political Science, summa cum laudeAnswered WedChina’s economy, in 2018, is quite a bit larger than every country in the world except for the United States in terms of raw GDP. But raw GDP isn’t the only criterion for membership in the G7. If it were, Brazil and India also have larger GDPs than Italy and Canada. If you instead measure GDP by purchasing power parity (that is, accounting for exchange rates among countries), then even more countries could argue for G7 membership.

2018 中國的經濟規模,比世界上的所有國家都要大,除了美國的GDP總量。但是,GDP總量並不是成為G7成員國的唯一標準。如果是的話,巴西和印度的GDP總量也比意大利和加拿大要高。如果你用購買力平價(即各國之間的匯率)來衡量GDP,那麼就會有更多的國家吵著要加入G7。

But G7 membership involves more than just the size of a country’s economy. For one thing, membership explicitly also involves being a developed country, and the G7 currently consists of the seven largest economies among developed countries. Brazil and India are still considered developing countries by probably any economist; China is rapidly developing but is generally still not seen as a developed economy. One loose measurement of a country’s development is the Human Development Index, which rates countries on a scale of 0 to 1. The lowest HDI in the G7 is Italy, which had a 0.873 in 2015 (26th in the world); meanwhile, China’s HDI is 0.738 (90th in the world).


Furthermore, all seven countries in the G7 are democracies, and while being democratic isn’t a requirement for membership, it’s certainly expected on a de facto basis. The organization was first formed in the 1970’s, and so it necessarily excluded dictatorships in the Soviet bloc. The organization’s expansion to include Russia, during which time it temporarily became the G8, failed, officially due to Russia’s annexation of Crimea but more broadly due to Vladimir Putin’s increasingly dictatorial rule.



以下是羅賓的兩個回答,時隔兩年,面對相似的問題卻給出了兩個回答 還蠻怪的

Robin Daverman, World travelerupxed May 27, 2016Well you need to know a little bit about why G7 was formed in the first place.


So the story was that in 1971, the Bretton Woods system, which pegged all major currencies at that time to gold, was getting shaky. The US had a huge trade deficit. The French was bitching about “the exorbitant dollar” because “it costs a couple of cents for the US to print the money, while we have to send in our real gold in exchange for the dollar”, the Germans were pissed because it cost them a lot of money to artificially keep the Deutsche Mark pegged to the dollar. They just wanted their gold back and be done with it. The Swiss was the first to just go to the Americans, handed in the US dollars, and said, here you go, $35 an ounce, I want my gold back, NOW. Then everybody started to want their gold back and the US didn’t have enough gold in reserve to pay them (Yep, somebody printed more money than they had gold to back it up with). So - Nixon unilaterally announced, “let’s just forget about your gold. Let’s make the USD a fiat currency (Fiat money). From now on, it’s worth as much as I tell you, OK?” Nixon shock Basically he just got up in the morning, walked to the mic, and made the announcement to the world. Just like that.

故事發生於1971年,當時由於美國巨大的貿易赤字,佈雷頓森林體系開始動搖。法國人開始抱怨“美元的不合理”,“美國人只需要花幾美分印錢,我們就得用真金白銀去和他們換美元”,德國人很生氣,因為為了保持德國馬克與美元掛鉤他們花了很多錢。 現在各國只是想要回他們的金子,然後拿了就跑。瑞士人第一個去找美國,說:給你錢,35美元一盎司,我要拿回我的黃金。隨後,每個人都跑過來想要回他們的黃金,而美國卻沒有足夠的黃金儲備來付給他們(因為美國人打仗多印了很多錢)。然後-尼克松單方面宣佈:“忘掉你的黃金吧。讓我們把美元變成法定貨幣。從現在開始,美元與黃金脫鉤,好嗎?“基本上就是他早上起床,走到麥克風前,向全世界宣佈了這個消息,事就成了。

Well, this action pissed off the Europeans big time, but there’s nothing they could do about it. It’s the quintessential “Beggar Thy Neighbor” policy where you find yourself in trouble, you get yourself out of trouble by passing the trouble to your neighbor. So the Europeans came back and said, well since you own more than half of the gold in the world (as a result of WWII), there’s nothing we can do about it. But can we at least meet and talk this through before you just go do it the next time? This is how the precursor of the G7, the “library group” was formed. It had 5 members - the US, UK, France, Germany, and Japan.

這一行為激怒了歐洲人,但他們對此無能為力。這是典型的“以鄰為壑”政策-當你發現自己有麻煩時,你把麻煩丟給了鄰居。所以歐洲人回來說,雖然你擁有世界上一半以上的黃金(二戰的結果),我們拿你沒辦法。但下次你要再搞這種事之前要和我們商量清楚 OK?這就是G7的前身,“


The original purpose of the G7 group was to do economic horse-trading behind the scenes, like, I’ll put in 1% stimulus if you cut your tariff by 20%, things like that, you know, that are best discussed IN SECRET because you are trading the economic welfare of one group of your citizens against another group of your citizens. The goal was to prevent these countries from killing each other economically, get it? It’s a forum to manage the economic in-fighting among this group of countries, so right away, people went out looking for allies. The US proposed adding Canada, and the Europeans countered with Italy. Then the Europeans proposed adding EU as a member (because the Dutch and the Belgian were pissed they weren’t represented), and the US countered with adding Australia. The French said forget it, too many Anglos in the room already. OK fine. That’s how we ended up with the G7 - the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Canada.


What happened afterwards is that like all organizations, it started to take on roles that it was not designed to do. Election campaigns coming up, and some G7 member decided to use the occasion to do some political grandstanding - good for the votes, you know. This was universally resented by the other members of the G7, because when you do political grandstanding, you invariably do so at the expense of the other members. Nonetheless, when you throw together a group of politicians, what do you expect? It’s like putting together a group of drunks and expect no alcohol to be served in the party. It went quickly from one guy taking a small sip to everybody drunk as sh*t. It’s at one of these G7 meetings where Helmut Schmidt made his famous pronouncement on Margaret Thatcher - “she is a bitch, she is tough, she lacks scope and she cannot lead".


Then in 2008, the sub-prime mortgage crisis hit. All G7 members went down the tube. So what do you do? You go look for somebody with money, yes, those despised “developing countries” who have been saving their pennies. Like China, India, Brazil, … I mean, seriously, all G7 countries, other than Germany, are in debt up to their necks. So, from 2008 and onward, the G7 group completely changed its focus, from global economy to politics. The economic forum is taken over by G-20 major economies, which China participates.


As for the original G7, there is now talk to invite Russia back to G7, with the Germans and the UK loudly proclaiming that the Middle East security can not be solved without the Russians. So Russia is on track to be invited back in 2017. Now do you get which countries should participate in G7?


The “advanced, democratic” countries who are bombing the Middle East!


China is NOT “advanced”, NOT “democratic”, and most importantly, NOT bombing the Middle East.


Robin Daverman, World travelerAnswered FriWhy is China not represented in the G7 summit? Isn't its economy way bigger than that of Canada and Italy?


G7 is the political club.

G7是政治團體G20 is the economic club.


China is in G20 and not in G7.


G7 was started as a club of common POLITICAL ECONOMY group by the French and the Germans in 1975, as a response to the oil shock. 1973 oil crisis The 1973 Oil Shock was a quintessential political economy issue, because it was caused by the Arab-Israel war in 1973, and the Arab countries yanked oil supply from the global market as a response. This sent the whole industrialized world into a grinding halt. So the French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt got together, and said, why don’t we get together to figure out a strategy to deal with this, since we are all being screwed? Thus the first G6 (without Canada) meeting in Rambouillet.


The good thing about G7 is that these group of countries account for ~ 50% of the world economy, so if G7 can manage its club well, they can bring a lot of stability and prosperity to the world. The not-so-good part about G7 is that, you have to remember, this organization was born out of the Oil Shock of the 70’s. It was set up as the “Us against the Arabs who control our oil supply” thingy, so this “Us against Them” flavor of political economy is in the club DNA. Their combined Middle East approach successfully ensured that the Arabs would never work in unity again and threaten the world oil supply. The price of it is continuous Middle East wars and global terrorism. Arguably the Western interference made the Arab countries worse, and the Arab interference in Western countries made the Western countries worse…


The EU was set up so that the European countries can stop warring with each other. ASEAN was set up so that Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines can stop fighting each other, and SCO was set up so that Russia, China, and the “-stan”s can stop fighting each other. These are all regional organizations to promote regional peace, and they are all highly successful in fulfilling their original purpose.


G20 was founded as the purely economic club. The “substance” of this club is the meeting of finance ministers and the central bankers of these 20 nations that account for 85% of the world economy, together with the IMF and World Bank, twice a year. It is a relatively new organization, founded in 1999, driven by the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 1998 Russian financial crisis. So these central bankers and finance ministers get together regularly to build trust so that they can handle FX (Foreign Exchange) interventions and economic stimulations in sync.Well so far it’s been shown that G20 is unwieldy vis-a-vis G7, because the divergence of interest. The G7 group can act together much more often than the G20 group. What the G20 group is good for, is really for one member to say, I’m going to do this currency intervention, and you guys agree to stay out of it and let me battle the market, instead of forcefully intervene against me, OK? So it’s more a “give you a heads-up so that we won’t be accidentally shooting at each other”-type of international financial intervention. China is part of G20.


What is happening is that it turned out that politics and economy are irretrievably intertwined at the top level. Like the ongoing trade wars - is it politics, or is it economics? Well it’s both. So both G7 and G20 are converging to this in-between space with people of divergent interest forced into discussing political economy with each other. This is why you see the G7 and G20 topics started to over-lap.

