英語"I feel you"可不是“我感覺到你”,真正意思超暖心!

“I feel you”是什麼意思日常生活中,歪果仁朋友間聊天談心時,經常用到“I feel you”,來表示明白對方想要表達的感覺。

I feel you意為我懂你(我明白你的感受)這是一句超暖心的話呢例句:The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty這份感情對我很重要,失去它讓我感到悲傷而又空虛。I feel you.我懂。

此外歪果仁還喜歡用“I'm feeling someone ”來表達認同、喜歡某些事情。
I just love Avril’s song!
Yeah, I’m feeling her style!


feel your ears burning覺得耳朵在發燒(認為或猜測別人在說自己)Someone must be talking about me.I feel my ears burning.肯定有人正在背後議論我,我覺得自己耳朵在發燙!

feel free (to do sth)(表示允許)可以隨便做某事If you have any questions at all,please feel free to ask me.如果有任何問題,請隨意提問。

feel the pinch

手頭拮据;經濟困難Lots of people who have lost their jobs are starting to feel the pinch.大量失業者開始感到日子不好過了。

feel your way(如在黑暗中)摸索著走動 ;也比喻(在新環境中)謹慎行事She was new in the job, still feeling her way.她對這項工作不熟悉,還在摸索著幹。

feel my age感到自己上年紀了,意識到自己老了I'm really beginning to feel my age.我開始覺得歲月不饒人了。