初級英語 - 第4期 你困嗎? 你冷嗎?

Hello, hello, hello. Hello everyone. Hello, hello, hello. Hello everyone.


Hello, hello, hello. Hello everyone. Say . . . HELLO EVERYONE! Hot. Cold. And sleepy.


Chocolate, yummy, yummy. Chocolate, yummy, yum.Chocolate, yummy, yummy. Chocolate, yummy, yum. Chocolate.


I've got a chocolate in my tummy. Yeayh. Great. Oh Maggie, it's nice to sit here. Under the moon. Under stars.


I'm getting a little sleepy. Haha. Me too. Time for bed. Come on then, let's go to bed. Ok.


Oh, hello. Are you not sleeping in bed? It's getting late. Oh, I'm sleepy. Hey, show me a sleepy face. And say, "I am sleepy, sleepy, sleepy."


And again, "Sleepy, sleepy, sleepyyy." Oh dear. Are you sleepy? Yes? So say, yes, I am.


Are you sleepy? Yes, I am. And again, are you sleepy? Yes I am. Oh dear. Well. I'm having a sleepover at Maggie's place.


But, haha, she lives here up in this tree. Time to go to bed. This is crazy. Oh, hello Maggie. Hi hi.


Your nest is a bit small. Come on Steve. Oh dear. Well, here I am. Ok, well, I am sleepy.


So, aaa, time to go to sleep. Uaah, yeah. Good night Maggie. Good night Steve. Good night. I can't sleep, I'm too cold. Are you cold? No? Then say, "No, I'm not."


Are you cold? No, I'm not. Are you cold? No, I'm not. Well, I'm cold. So pretend to be cold like me.


Show me a cold face. Be cold, cold, cold. Say with me. Cold, cold, cold. One last time. Cold, cold, cold.


Hey, why are you not sleeping? Because I'm too cold, Maggie. Oh no, time for some Maggie magic. Abracadabra. Oh, wow. Thanks Maggie. Wow! Hi hi.
