
What things were discovered accidentally?

This lady’s death saved literally billions of people from becoming crippled, limbless and dead.


In 1951 Henrietta Lacks, a poor African American farmer and mother to five visited The Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the few places in Maryland willing to treat African American patients. Henrietta Lacks complained to the doctors about random bleedings and pain in her groin and how she was worried it was going to affect her work.

1951年,亨丽埃塔·拉克斯(Henrietta Lacks),一位贫穷的非裔美国农民,也是一位有5个孩子的母亲,来到了约翰霍普金斯医院,这是马里兰州为数不多的愿意治疗非裔美国病人的医院之一。亨丽埃塔·拉克斯向医生抱怨她腹股沟的不时出血和疼痛,她担心这会影响她的工作。

Upon examination by gynecologist Dr. Howard Jones, the doctors found a massive malignant tumor on her cervix; because of this Henrietta started undergoing radium treatments for her cervical cancer (which back then was the best medical treatment available for this terrible disease).


Alongside the treatment, a sample of her cancer cells was sent to Dr. George Gey's nearby tissue lab. For years, Dr. Gey, a cancer and virus researcher, had been collecting cells from patients who came to The Johns Hopkins Hospital with cervical cancer, but each sample taken quickly died in Dr. Gey’s lab, all apart from Henrietta Lacks’. Henrietta Lacks’ cells did not die, in fact they would replicate every 24 hours.

除了治疗,她的癌细胞的样本被送到乔治 · 格什温博士附近的组织实验室。多年来,格什温博士,一位癌症和病毒研究员,一直在收集细胞来自约翰霍普金斯医院的患者们的宫颈癌细胞,但每个收集来的样本在博士的实验室里都很快死去,除了亨丽埃塔的细胞。亨丽埃塔·拉克斯的细胞没有死亡,事实上它们每24小时就会复制一次。

This was an amazing medical breakthrough, for decades whenever anyone tried to experiment on human cells to find a cure for a disease they would simply die within hours, but with Henrietta Lacks’ cells, they survived and could grow again and again meaning that there was now nearly an infinite amount of these perfect cells alive if used correctly.


The first things these cells were tested on was polio, and instead of dying straight away like most cells they survived. This allowed scientists to experiment on Henrietta's cells until they found a vaccine for one of the biggest children killers of the early 20th century: polio.


Curing polio was only the beginning of Henrietta Lacks’ cells’ career -- by the end of the century her cells were used to create the first human-animal hybrids in 1965, Human Papillomavirus vaccines (also saving millions of lives), better hygiene improvements and better understanding of cells in general. Today scientists have grown as much as 50 million metric tons of her cells and they are being used to find cures/vaccines to things such as ebola, cancer and Typhoid.


Henrietta Lacks unfortunately never found out about her contribution to science as she died only a couple of weeks after her treatment; her cells were also taken without her knowledge and her family only found out about what she did for medicine and science 20 years later.


Writer: Alex Foster.
