
Lu.Co.咖啡店位於聖彼得堡市中心的一棟歷史建築中,該建築的前身是Rospechat商店。優秀的空間設計需要體現出建築的過去及未來。店面上方蘇聯時期的的鉸鏈燈箱將成為吸引客人的焦點。燈箱上印有簡約的咖啡店logo,該logo由聖彼得堡平面設計師Anton Gorbunov為咖啡店專門設計。

Lu.Co. coffee Shop is located in the historic building of the former «Rospechat» store in the center of Saint Petersburg. Soviet period hinged light-box became a visual reference point for guests. The light box holds a minimalistic corporate logo, which was specially developed for the coffee shop by Saint Petersburg graphic designer Anton Gorbunov.

▼咖啡廳入口,鋁門上印有logo的蘇聯時期燈箱entrance Soviet period light-box with logo above the aluminum door ©AKME


In the AKME project historical part of the interior: original marble floors, stucco moldings and the entrance area with aluminum doors that remained from the former «Rospechat» store-, were preserved and emphasized.

▼室內空間保留了原有的大理石地板preseve original marble floors ©AKME


▼咖啡廳採用淺色調light color coffee shop ©AKME

▼與前門相配合的展架設計design of shelves matching with the front door ©AKME

Historic aluminum doors lead into a space of 37 square meters, which contains several zones: a coffee shop, a working area and a retail area. Color contrast allows to split zones with different functions. The light-colored coffee shop continues into the “golden room” – the working area in the back of the coffee shop, which has immersion in color effect because of monolithic coloring: the walls, furniture and ceiling of the zone are painted in a single saturated golden tone. This color was inspired by historic aluminum doors. Pro rata to the proportions of the front doors AKME designers have also developed custom-made shelf system for the retail area and a golden bar counter. Thus, the proportions and color of the bar counter and work area allow to combine the architecture of past and present. The color immersion effect was also used in the design of the bathroom, which becomes an unexpected accent of a perfect blue color.

▼從咖啡廳步入金色工作區step into golden working area from coffee shop ©AKME

▼統一的色調打造沉浸式空間氛圍uniform color create an immersive space atmosphere ©AKME

▼洗手間採用統一的藍色bathroom in uniform blue color ©AKME


The cosiness of the coffee shop is achieved with natural materials: the seating area is organized with custom-made wooden furniture, food and coffee are served in laconic ceramic crockery created by the Saint Petersburg workshop “o.forma”. Lu.Co cares about the environment and the idea of smart consumption. Therefore, the project provides facilities for separate collection of waste, and in the retail area guests may buy reusable coffee cups and metal tubes.

▼材料細部,detail of material ©AKME

▼平面圖 plan ©AKME