
Are all Chinese people good at math?



The traditional nature of family throughout much of Asia, whereby children (or in this case, the child) care for their parents in old age, means that parents have a strong self-interest in ensuring that their child does well in school – so that he can later earn enough to support them.


Kevin D. Aslan, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcaster


No, but they have a small advantage that can turn into a big one: their language.


In Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, the Story of Success, he discusses how a small advantage at the start can lead to a huge one down the line. The kid born right after the hockey cut-off date will be a little bit older, and therefore bigger, than a lot of his peers. Eventually, that small advantage means that he makes the team more often, gets selected into higher and higher leagues and teams, until you end up with a majority of Canadian hockey players born in the first few months of the year.

在馬爾科姆•格拉德威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)的《成功的故事》(the Story of Success)一書中,他探討了如何從一開始的小優勢,發展成日後的巨大優勢。在曲棍球比賽截止日期之後出生的孩子會比他的同齡人大一點,因此也會比他們的同齡人大一些。最終,這個小小的優勢意味著他能更頻繁地加入球隊,被選入越來越高的聯賽和球隊,直到大多數加拿大麴棍球運動員都出生在一年的頭幾個月。

A small advantage at the start can compound, until it becomes a crushing one.


Now when it comes to math, the Chinese language is RIDICULOUSLY logical. And I'm comparing to the other end of the spectrum, France, where the word for 97 is "four-twenty-seventeen". For China, 97 is 九十七 - literally nine, ten, seven - nine tens and a seven. 583 is five, hundred, eight, ten, three. Five hundreds, eight tens, and three. And so on and so forth (until you get to 100,000 where it gets slightly more complicated)

現在說到數學,中文的邏輯就荒謬了。我在和另一端的法國做比較,法國97的單詞是"4-twenty - 17,97"。對於中國來說,97年是九十七,九,十,7 - 9和7。583是5百8十3。500, 8個10,和3。以此類推(直到達到100,000時,情況變得稍微複雜一些)

You only need to know 13 characters to count up to 99,999! And people say Chinese is hard ^^


Understanding how the numbers work suddenly becomes a lot easier - it's IN THE LANGUAGE. Chinese provides the explanation.


And this is even more apparent when it comes to fractions. Five seventeenths? Eight twelfths? How many kids have started to cry because they didn't understand fractions?


Meanwhile, in Chinese 8/12ths would be 十二分之八 - from 12 pieces, take eight. Again, the language itself makes it easier to understand a complex mathematical concept.


Now I'm not saying that all Chinese people are great at math. But I am saying that, perhaps, the logical nature of their language allows them to have a small step up at the start.


And that can compound into incredible results.


Edit: OK, after fifty million comments of: "but I'm Chinese and I'm not good at math" or "But [insert nationality] is great at math" let me attempt to clarify this post.


This does not mean EVERY SINGLE CHINESE automatically becomes great at math. Or the best at math. All it does is give a small helping factor at the start. On the scale of an average population, I would say this would translate into a slight boost in the AVERAGE level. Again, not talking about extremes here.


Obviously, this is only one of many factors at play. The fact that SE Asian immigrants tend to adopt cultural codes of success and pass them on to their children (think the piano and the violin) definitely plays a role. Cultural choices also play - the French EXCEL at fundamental math, because math is seen as the royal choice when it comes to school, and compared to Anglo-Saxons, we put a higher value on fundamental, but not immediately applicable, research. The average level of the math population is not necessarily higher though - but there's a very high variance.


Finally - the number of characters is for oral, not written. In English we have eleven, twelve, thirteen, …, nineteen, twenty, thirty, … ninety - that are additional levels of complexity and completely non-intuitive (compared to Chinese).


Kim Iskyan, Co-Founder & Publisher, Stansberry Churchouse Research

Stansberry Churchouse Research聯合創始人兼出版商

There's an old cliché of a "hard-working Asian student."


This reputation for hard work is the culmination of China's long tradition of scholarship, along with intense competition and an overwhelming demand for academic excellence.


Just take a look at how intense China's National College Entrance Examination is…


Students entering test examination buildings must use fingerprint and iris-matching equipment to verify their identities under the watchful eyes of security guards. Meanwhile, drones hover above and scans for radio signals sent in or out.


The "National Examination" was central to China's feudal history prior to the nationalist revolution. Traditionally, to succeed in China, a man (women were not allowed) must score highly in the national exam. The best performers would be trained to become local officials working for the government.


The concept of "Sheng Guan Fock Choi" is deeply-rooted in China's DNA. It means "to be promoted in the ranks of the government and become wealthy", and it has influenced Chinese culture for millennia. Academic achievement is viewed as an ingredient of a successful and complete life.


Getting into the best universities is competitive in any country. But it reaches a different dimension in China. The country's one-child policy (which was only abandoned in January 2016) means that parents are even more intensely focused on ensuring that their only child excels and is part of China's growing middle class. Education is critical to that objective.


The traditional nature of family throughout much of Asia, whereby children (or in this case, the child) care for their parents in old age, means that parents have a strong self-interest in ensuring that their child does well in school – so that he can later earn enough to support them. Additionally, more so than in many other countries, the college a Chinese student attends has an immediate impact on career and even marriage prospects.


And China's macroeconomic backdrop is slowly becoming less supportive for young people. The gradual slowing of the Chinese economy has made the job market more challenging. Additionally, the slow but steady shift of the focus of the economy away from manufacturing and towards services means that the definition of a well-paying job is rapidly changing. Moving up the socioeconomic ladder is increasingly challenging in China.


As a result, Chinese families will go to great lengths – and spend much of their wealth – to improve their child's educational preparation, and thus his chances of a successful (and well-paying) life. Also, people already in the workforce or close to joining it are under heightened pressure to have practical and applicable skills.


The pressure starts in kindergarten. Parents scramble to enrol their children in the best pre-schools, which in turn lead to the best middle and high schools. This has created an educational arms race as parents spend their income on private education to give their children a better shot at the top universities. For example, there are now more private than public kindergartens in China, according to consultants McKinsey & Company.

壓力始於幼兒園。家長們爭先恐後地讓他們的孩子進入最好的幼兒園,這反過來又導致了最好的初中和高中。這就造成了一場教育軍備競賽,家長們把他們的收入花在私立教育上,以便讓孩子更好地進入頂尖大學。例如,諮詢公司麥肯錫(McKinsey & Company)的數據顯示,目前中國私立幼兒園的數量超過了公立幼兒園。

So Asian societies are notoriously competitive, and China is no different. Parents in Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and China send their children for extra tuition after school. The "fear of falling behind" goes hand-in-hand with the pride of "getting ahead". The two work together to create a sense that life is a competition.






