




“酒店床单是否被更换过? 入住后‘扫一扫’就知道。


“Hotel guests can now check if their sheets are fresh by scanning a QR code.”

Previous media reports disclosed that some hotels in Shanghai do not regularly change their bed linen or towels after guests check out. In response to this, a local cleaning service company developed a QR code technology for guests to check if their hotel bed sheets are fresh. The company has added QR codes on the bedding at one of its long-term cooperative hotels. Guests are required to scan the QR code as soon as they check in using a mobile app, which will notify them if the sheets are fresh or have been used by previous guests.




"The new public toilet is like a five-star hotel."

Fifty public toilets in Jing'an district will be converted into "intelligent toilets" this year, Shanghai Morning Post reported Wednesday. Different from traditional public toilets, which often have unpleasant smells and unsanitary environments, the first intelligent toilet on Xikang Road has surprised residents with its clean, high-tech facilities. Toilet users will receive a free piece of toilet paper after allowing their faces to be scanned in front of a facial recognition system. The new toilets also have installed real-time detection devices to monitor odors and dispense an automatic deodorizer.




"Nobody warned us in time! We used polluted tap water to cook rice and then ate the rice."

Over 3,000 households in a residential compound in Songjiang district had no clean tap water to use on Sunday, Knews reported Tuesday. Many residents found their tap water colored yellow or black with gravel mixed in it when they turned on their home faucets. A manager surnamed Zhou from the Songjiang district water company told media that a burst water pipe near the compound and illegal use of high-pressure pumps installed by the compound's property management company caused the pollution. A clean tap water supply has almost recovered based on the report.






"I thought it was no big deal to use the same license plate on different cars."

A local resident surnamed Chen was fined 15,000 yuan ($2,367) and had 36 points deducted from his license for using the same car plate on four different luxury cars, Knews reported Monday. Chen tried to defend himself by explaining to the police that his compound's garage recognition system could only recognize his Audi, which was being repaired. So he installed the same plate on his new Land Rover and also his friends' Porsche and Mercedes-Benz before he drove them into and out of his compound to evade parking fees. Chen also has other traffic violations that he had not dealt with.




"Changes in dinning habits present new challenges to traditional nutrition intervention strategies."

New research on Shanghai residents' diet and health released by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning shows that 61 percent of all Shanghai residents often dine out, which is much higher than the national average of 42 percent, thepaper.cn reported Saturday. According to experts from Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention, who conducted the study, between 2012 and 2017, apart from dinning out and pre-packaged foods, the rise of new consumption patterns such as takeout foods and online shopping have affected traditional families' cooking habits and pose negative factors on health.

漫画:Chen Xia

翻译:Du Qiongfang






