

續發小學階段常用短語G-H及音頻, 家長注意總結督促哦。由於需要填加音頻文件, 所以分成了幾個文件發佈, 以免音頻文件太多或太大難以載入, 導致無法發聲。


128. get along with

get on with 進展;與…….相處

129. go away 逃離

130.. get back 返回

131. get in 進入;收集

132. get in the way 擋道

133. get off 下車

134. get on 上車

135. get on with與…….相處

136. get ready for 為……作準備

137. get rid of 擺脫

138. get tired of 對……感到厭倦

139. get to 到達

140.get together 相聚; 聯歡

141. get up 起床

142. give back 歸還;送回

143. give out 分發

144. give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力

145. give up 放棄

146. go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;幹吧

147.go away 走開;離去

148. go shopping 去購物

go bowling 打保齡球

149.go for a swim 去游泳

150.go for a walk 散步

151. go home 回家

152. go in for 參加;從事於;酷愛

153. go on 繼續

154. go on a diet 實行節食

155. go on a picnic 去野餐

156. go on with something

go on doing sth. 繼續做某事

157. go out 熄滅

158. go over 複習;仔細地再讀一遍

159. go sightseeing 去觀光

161. go to bed 就寢

162. go to college 上大學

163. go to school 上學

164. go to sleep 入睡

165. go to the cinema

go to the movie(s) 去看電影

166. go up 走上前去

go wrong 出錯

167. grow up 成年;長大


168. had better 最好還是;還是……好

169. hand in 上交

170.hand out 分發

171. happen to do 碰巧做

172. happen to somebody 發生到某人身上

173.have fun with玩得高興

174.have fun doing…玩得高興

175. have to

have got to不得不

176. have a class

have a lesson 上課

177. have a good time 玩得很愉快;過得很愉快

178. have breakfast 吃早餐

179. have no idea 不清楚

180. have pity on somebody憐憫某人

181. have sports 進行體育活動

182. hear from 收到……來信

183. hear of 聽說

184. help somebody with something幫助某人做某事

185. help oneself to … 請隨便吃點……

186. here and there 到處

187. hold a meeting 舉行會議

188. hold on 等一等(別掛電話)

189. hold one's breath 屏住呼吸

190. hold up 舉起

191. huge amounts of 大量的

192. hundreds of 幾百;成百上千

193. hurry off 匆忙離開

194. hurry up 趕快;快點

