


其实想要对着孩子讲话,我们既不需要认识6000个以上的单词,也不需要背诵马丁路德金的“I have a dream”,现实生活中,与孩子相处时,一般只涉及到简单的对话交流,而这些对于我们大人来说,只要有一点儿基础,多背几遍,稍稍练习后,就可以掌握!也许,最初和孩子说一门母语以外自己又不精通的语言,觉得怪怪的,但是只要亲们放下自己的偶像包袱,并做好长期坚持的准备,说多了之后,别扭的感觉一定会消失,而且小朋友崇拜的目光中,我们自己也会特别有成就感,同时不断进步!




1.1 终于要到小长假啦!你想出去玩玩吗?

Just to be a small holiday。 Do you want to go out and play?

1.2 我们去爬山好不?

Let's go mountain climbing, OK?

1.3 想去公园吗?

Do you want to go to the park?

1.4 我们要准备一些出行需要的物品。

We need to prepare some travel items.

1.5 我们做个旅游计划吧!

Let's make a tour plan.

1.6 去海边怎么样?

How about going to the beach?

1.7 我们最好带着感冒药,也许会用的着!

We'd better take a cold medicine, maybe we can use it.

1.8 你觉得我们需要带点零食吗?

Do you think we need to bring some snacks with us?

1.9 你喜欢什么零食?

What kind of snacks do you like?

1.10 我们为什么不和小伙伴儿们一起呢?

Why don't we have friends together?

1.11 那里的温泉非常酷!

The hot springs there are very cool!

1.12 我们需要提前订个酒店。

We need to book a hotel in advance.

1.13 对啊,我们千万要提前订票!

Yes, we must book the tickets in advance!

1.14 人太多了,真没意思!

Too many people, it's really boring!

1.15 提前把作业写完吧,那样才能玩的开心!

Finish your homework in advance, so that you can play happily.

1.16 谢谢提醒,我会提前把车加满油的!

Thank you for your reminding, I will fill up the car with oil in advance!

1.17 孩子,计划做的不错!

My boy, you make a great plan!

1.18 我们的假期一定会非常愉快!

We'll have a wonderful holiday!

1.19 那里真是个迷人的地方!

That is a charming place!

1.20 别太兴奋了,好好睡觉!

Don't be too excited. Go to sleep now!



2.1 你看,外边的风景很美!

Look, the outside scenery is nice!

2.2 宝贝儿,不要向车外扔垃圾!

Baby, don't throw rubbish out of the car!

2.3 你可以看书,或者睡一小会儿!

You can read a book, or sleep for a little while!

2.4 你可以帮我看下地图,然后告诉我该选哪条路吗?

Can you help me look at the map, and then tell me which way to choose?

2.5 今天的路况真棒!

The traffic today is great!

2.6 安全最重要,超什么车呀!

Security is the most important, we don't need overtaking!

2.7 我们马上就到了,别着急!

We are arriving, don't worry!

2.8 下个服务区就要到了,你想上厕所吗?

The next service area is coming. Do you want to go to the toilet?

2.9 你想听首什么歌?

What song do you want to listen?

2.10 你能数数我们会路经多少个鸟窝吗?

Can you count how many nests on our passing way?


3.1 哇,这里实在是太美啦!

Wow, it's so beautiful here!

3.2 儿子,你现在长高了,都需要买票啦!

Oh, my boy, you are tall enough for a ticket!

3.3 别乱跑,把妈妈弄丢就惨啦!

Don't run around, you'll be tragic if missing your mother !

3.4 你觉的我们该选择哪条路线呢?

Which route do you think we should choose?

3.5 拿瓶水再出发,万一山上没卖水的呢?

Carry a bottle of water with you, we may find no water seller.

3.6 自己的包自己背。

Have your bag by yourself.

3.7 帮我照张相呗!

Take a picture of me,please!

3.8 做个酷点的姿式。

Please make a cool posture.

3.9 路很窄。请小心点儿啊!

The road is very narrow. Please be careful!

3.10 等等我,别乱跑!

Wait for me, don't run around!

3.11 那朵花真漂亮!

That flower is so beautiful!

3.12 我们现在到哪了?

Where are we now?

3.13 还有多远到山顶啊?

How far is it to the top of the mountain?

3.14 微风习来,真爽!

It's really a nice breeze!

3.15 坐缆车下山好吗?

Would you like to go down the mountain by the cable car?

3.16 小伙子,体力不错呀!

Boy, good strength!

3.17 加油,坚持就是胜利!

Come on, persevering brings success.

3.18 我太累了。咱们歇会儿吧!

I'm too tired. Let's take a break.

3.19 吃点儿薯片补充能量。

Eat some potato chips to replenish energy.

3.20 拉我一把,上帝都会感谢你的!

If you give me a hand, god will thank you too.



4.1 这里还蛮干净的。

It's pretty clean here.

4.2 好大的床呀,可以好好歇歇我的腿儿啦!

How big the bed is! My legs can have a good rest!

4.3 谁知道这里的wifi密码?

Who knows the WiFi password here?

4.4 哇,可以洗澡哦!

Wow, we can take a good bath!

4.5 餐厅就在楼下。

The restaurant is downstairs.

4.6 有免费的早餐。

There's a free breakfast.

4.7 那张床是你的。

That bed is yours.

4.8 不要大吵大叫,会被投诉的。

Don't shout, or you'll be complained by others.

4.9 把包放沙发上吧!

Put the bag on the sofa.

4.10 吃完饭,我们可以散个步。

After dinner, we can take a walk.

4.11 这儿还有小动物,你想喂喂它们吗?

There are small animals here. Do you want to feed them?

4.12 电视遥控器在哪?

Where is the telecontrol?

4.13 要记得把手洗干净。

Remember to wash your hands.

4.14 这个菜好好吃,你要不要尝尝?

This dish is delicious. Would you like to try it?

4.15 你想喝饮料吗?

Do you want to have a drink?

4.16 做个好梦!

Have a good dream!

4.17 小脚丫儿还累吗?

Are your little feet still tired?

4.18 睡觉前想听个故事吗?

Do you want a before sleep story?

4.19 你们先点餐,我去个卫生间。

You can have the order first. I'll go to the bathroom.

4.20 你可以试着去结帐!

You can try to check out!


5.1 呆在家里开心,还是出去玩开心?

Which one is more happy? Go out to play or stay in home?

5.2 昨天,我看你都累的不行了,还在那里装酷!

Though you were cool yesterday, I know you were very tired in fact.

5.3 一想你昨天的热心帮助,我就觉的好幸福!

Whenever thinking about your kindly help yesterday, I feel happy!

5.4 我希望还能和你一起出去玩儿,太开心啦!

I hope I can go out with you again. It's so happy!

5.5 喜欢和你一起坚持到最后的感觉!

The feeling of sticking last with you is great!

5.6 想起当时我们到处找厕所的样子,我就想笑!

When I think about the time we looked for toilets everywhere, I wanted to laugh loudly.

5.7 下次出去一定要多带点儿零食。

We must carry more snacks with us next time.

5.8 你还想去那里旅行吗?

Do you want to travel there again?

5.9 你觉的这次旅行怎么样?

What do you think of the trip?

5.10 什么?你也想在山上盖一座木屋!

What,You also want to build a wooden house on the mountain?

5.11 是啊,如果有时空转换门,旅途就不会那么辛苦啦!

Yes, if there are time and space conversion door, the journey will not be so hard.

5.12 春天真是个美好的季节。

Spring is a wonderful season.

5.13 你居然记下了一起玩的小孩儿的电话?佩服!

You have recorded the phone number of the boy we played with yesterday! I really admire you!

5.14 读万卷书不如行万里路。

Reading thousands of books is not equal to traveling thousands of miles.

5.15 出去玩儿,可不能太娇气。

Please don't be too squeamish, if you go out to play.

5.16 一定要照顾好自己。

Be sure to take care of yourself.

5.17 付出汗水和努力后,才能看到美丽的风景。

Only after sweat and hard work, we can see the beautiful scenery.

5.18 我们是最佳出行搭档。

We are the best travel partners.


