用英語讀原版英語訓練系列4:Return a scarf

用英語讀原版英語訓練系列4:Return a scarf

用英語讀原版英語訓練系列4:Return a scarf

學英語學到一定程度(高二以上),為什麼一定要首先訓練自己Put English into English(把英語“翻譯”成英語的能力,而不是用中文學那些所謂“實用地道”英語口語(似乎學了就馬上排上用場一樣)。




1) 下面這段英語看似簡單,姑且不論它寫的怎樣,地道不地道,我就問你一句:你能用Put English into English把它讀完嗎?

Customer: Hello! I want to return this scarf.

Sales assistant: Have you got your receipt?

Customer: Yes,here you are.

Sales assistant: May I ask why you want to return the scarf?

Customer: l bought it yesterday.And after I got home,I took it and found there was a hole in it.

Sales assistant: Well,it's torn.In this case,I have no right to refund your money according our return policy.

Customer: What? It was like this when I bought it.

Sales asistatant: Well,may I suggest Customer Service. They can hep you.

Customer: Good.I will talk with them.

Sales assistant: Sorry for the inconvenience.I will accompany you over there to sort it out.

用英語讀原版英語訓練系列4:Return a scarf

2) Put English into English,把你學過的英語“用”起來。

1.Customer:Well,when you buy something in a store or in a shop,you are a customers.


2.Sales assistant:A man or a woman who sells things in a large store or in a large shop.

3. Hello! I want to return this scarf: Well,when we return something to the store,we send it back/take it back to the store.

4. Have you got your receipt? Well,a receipt is a proof that we have paid for something.

5. Yes,here you are: When we hand ,or show something to someone,we say:Here you are.

6. Well,it's torn: If something is torn, it is broken.It is damaged.

7.In this case: In this case means If so,or Because of this.

8. I have no right to refund your money: When we have no right to do something,we don't have the authority to do something.

9. to refund your money: To refund is to get back our money.

10. according our return policy means Based on our return policy,in compliance with our return policy.

11. Well,may I suggest Customer Service. Customer Service takes care of customers' needs,or meet the needs and desires of customers,such as accepting returns,exchanging goods,or taking complaints from customers.

12. They can hep you: They will settle your problem.They will solve your problem.They will deal with your problem.They will sort it out(見下文).

13. Sorry for the inconvenience means I am sorry for the trouble.

14. I will accompany you over there to sort it out. When we accompany someone, we go with someone.

15. sort it out means deal with it,settle it,solve it.

Put English into English才是你真正需要訓練出來的英語能力。你在這方面接受的訓練太少太少。

