
1. 由中華人民共和國商務部、外交部和雲南省人民政府共同主辦的主題為“加強南亞區域合作、推動地區包容性發展”的首屆中國—南亞合作論壇(簡稱“南亞論壇”,英文為China-South Asia Cooperation Forum,簡稱“CSACF”)於2018年6月14—15日在中國雲南省撫仙湖畔舉行。


3. 各方本著真誠友好、務實合作的精神,重點圍繞投資貿易、互聯互通、減貧扶貧、城市發展、金融合作等議題進行了探討交流。

4. 各方認為,中國和南亞國家近年來在上述領域取得了重要成就,但各國仍面臨諸多挑戰和困難。各國均有擴大開放、攜手合作共同開創美好未來的願望。


6. 各方讚賞南亞論壇在深化中國同南亞國家傳統友誼、務實合作方面發揮的重要作用,並支持在雲南設立中國—南亞合作論壇秘書處,以更好地服務論壇的發展。

7. 各方高度評價並感謝主辦方為本屆論壇所作的精心準備和周到安排,並期待於2019年再次相聚於美麗的中國撫仙湖畔。




Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province, P. R. China, June 15, 2018

1. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the People’s Government of Yunnan Province of the People’s Republic of China, the First China-South Asia Cooperation Forum (hereinafter referred to as the “CSACF”), themed “Closer Regional Cooperation for Inclusive Development”, was held on 14-15 June 2018 at the lakeside of Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province, China.

2. The CSACF aims at building into a dialogue platform, shared by and beneficial to all through equal consultation, between China and South Asian countries. The 1st CSACF includes parallel events of China-South Asia Poverty Reduction Exhibition, China-South Asia High Level Roundtable Meeting for Business Cooperation, China-South Asia Local Government Leaders’ Dialogue and Financial Cooperation and Development Strategy Seminar. Guests from the government departments, local governments, organizations, enterprises and media of China and South Asian and Southeast Asian countries (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) attended the events.

3. In the spirit of sincerity, friendship, and result-oriented cooperation, the Parties have had candid discussions on the topics of trade and investment, connectivity, poverty reduction and alleviation, urban development and financial cooperation etc.

4. The Parties are of the view that, in recent years, great achievements have been accomplished in China and South Asian countries in the above sectors. However, these countries are still confronted with many challenges and difficulties and have the common aspiration of opening wider and working together to jointly create a better future.

5. The Parties recognize that China and South Asian countries should further deepen interactions to consolidate cooperation basis, expand cooperation scope, materialize cooperation projects and improve cooperation quality, making contributions to the realization of sustainable, inclusive and prosperous development.

6. The Parties commend the important role of CSACF in deepening the traditional friendship and pragmatic cooperation between China and South Asian countries, and support the establishment of the CSACF Secretariat in Yunnan so as to better serve the development of the forum.

7. The Parties highly appreciate the thoughtful preparations and arrangement made by the CSACF hosts, and look forward to meeting again at the beautiful lakeside of Fuxian Lake, China in 2019.

