Chris Hook確認加入Intel,負責獨立圖形和視覺部門市場營銷!

日前,Intel正式宣佈Chris Hook加入Intel,未來將負責Intel獨立圖形和視覺技術的市場營銷;此時距離Chris Hook於4月12日宣佈從AMD離職僅過了半月有餘。

Chris Hook確認加入Intel,負責獨立圖形和視覺部門市場營銷!

目前Chris Hook在領英上的Title已經變成Intel的人了,而鑑於Chris Hook AMD前Radeon技術事業部高級市場總監的履歷,他的加入更加坐實了英特爾正在緊鑼密鼓的開發獨立顯卡的傳聞!

Chris Hook確認加入Intel,負責獨立圖形和視覺部門市場營銷!

推特上也不例外,背景也換成了Intel;再加上前幾天剛剛加入Intel的大神Jim Keller,Intel這回在圖形這塊可真是人才濟濟啊!


並且NVIDIA方面宣稱可以用一臺DXG-2替代多達300個Intel Xeon的服務器,所以對於Intel來說研發適用於數據中心的GPU產品就更迫在眉睫了,否則未來數據中心這塊大蛋糕可能就要被NVIDIA奪走!

Chris Hook確認加入Intel,負責獨立圖形和視覺部門市場營銷!

下面再來分享一下Chris Hook在臉書上的聲明:


I’m exhilarated and energized to be starting a new marketing leadership role at Intel in Santa Clara, CA.

Intel is a company I’ve long admired and is without a doubt the finest silicon engineering company in the world. It also has a rich history of processor innovation dating back to the Intel 4004, which was released the year I was born. It has an equally rich history in marketing innovation, having succeeded what was once the unthinkable - turning what started as an unassuming 16-pin black ceramic integrated circuit into a household name and notable consumer brand.

As many of you know, it was recently announced that Intel is embarking on a journey to expand its leading position in integrated graphics for PC with high-end discrete graphics solutions for a broad range of computing segments, and will be growing its technology portfolio across computing, graphics, media, imaging and machine intelligence for clients and data centers, AI, and edge computing.

That’s a pretty exciting journey, and one I personally want to be part of. So starting tomorrow, I’ll be assuming a new role in which I’ll be driving the marketing strategy for visual technologies and upcoming discrete graphics products.

I’m also excited to meet the Intel team. The folks I’ve met there so far are the best in the world at what they do; they’re laser-smart and driven to win. And there are also a few good Intel folks that I’ve had the privilege of working with in the past at AMD, world-class engineering leaders Ari Rauch, Raja Koduri and Jim Keller, who at multiple points in their careers have architected and engineered some of the most respected software and silicon in history.

So here’s to the future – one with competition, choice and incredible technology.






英特爾是我一直很敬佩的公司,毫無疑問也是世界上最好的半導體公司。它還擁有豐富的處理器創新歷史,可追溯到Intel 4004,這是我出生那年發佈的。它在營銷創新方面有著同樣豐富的歷史,成功實現了曾經不可想象的事情,將一個不起眼的16針黑色陶瓷集成電路變成家喻戶曉的品牌和知名的消費品牌。



我也很高興見到英特爾團隊。到目前為止,我在那裡遇到的人和在他們所做的事是世界上最好的; 他們具有激光只能並將贏得勝利。還有一些我在過去曾與AMD合作過的優秀的英特爾員工,世界一流的工程負責人Ari Rauch,Raja Koduri和Jim Keller,他們在職業生涯的多個方面都曾經過架構和設計一些歷史上最受尊敬的軟件和芯片。

所以這就是未來 - 一個與競爭,選擇和令人難以置信的技術。



Chris Hook確認加入Intel,負責獨立圖形和視覺部門市場營銷!

Chris Hook的聲明中不光提到了數據中心還提到了獨立圖形產品,相信不久之後Intel就能帶著它的獨顯新品與我們見面;看來未來幾年PC硬件這塊還真是驚喜多多呢!

