英語"I am hungover"可不是我自掛東南枝


buckle up: When you buckle up in a car or aeroplane, you fasten your seat belt. 繫上安全帶

"Buckle up, it's gonna be a long ride." (繫好安全帶,咱們有不少路要趕)----美劇《諜影迷情》


hungover: Someone who is hungover is unwell because they drank too much alcohol on the previous day. 因餘醉未醒感到難受的

"I am hungover and I have a headache." (我還在宿醉,而且頭好疼)----美劇《破產姐妹》

"I'm so sorry, he's really hungover." (抱歉,他酒還沒醒呢)----英劇《黑鏡》


tummy: Your tummy is the part of the front of your body below your waist. Tummy is often used by children or by adults talking to children. 肚子 (兒童化用語),這裡的語境是小姨和小侄子說話,所以用了兒童愛用的用語,相當於漢語說的肚肚。

tummy ache就是肚肚疼;


allergic: If you are allergicto something, you become ill or get a rash when you eat it, smell it, or touch it. 過敏的

"I know, but he's allergic to formula." (我知道,可他對奶粉過敏)----美劇《美國恐怖故事》

"Who's allergic to lobster? I guess someone that works in a library." (誰會對龍蝦過敏?我猜是圖書館員)----美劇《老友記》

That’s all for today

July 8, 2018. XOXO

