A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子

Hello, everyone!Welcome to English learning from COCO.很高兴与大家相约在英语学习这个平台!每个女孩子都希望自己是个公主,每个男孩子也希望自己是个王子。 他们说这是病!得治!可是在COCO 老师看来每个人都有美好的故事,美好的内心,这是我们美丽的生活!我们就是自己的公主和王子!今天COCO 老师要给大家带来的小文章叫:A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子,简单的故事后面蕴含着深刻的哲理!希望你会喜欢!

A Beautiful Dress


My neighbor's eight-year-old daughter used to live in the countryside, her native place.Recently her parents brought her to town to live with them.Wild and uneducated, she would use swear or dirty words when she was displeased.


A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子

Sometimes she went so far as to roll on the ground, which shocked all people around.Her parents tried to tame her by beating and kicking.However, she became more violent outbursts.Finally they became thoroughly disappointed with her.


A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子

One day their next-door neighbor, a retired teacher, gave the girl a snow-white dress, which was very beautiful.It immediately caught the girl's eyes and made them shine brightly.


A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子

The girl put on the dress and became quite another person.She no longer acted rudely or hit others.She even seldom rolled on the floor.She knew running wild was beneath her in a beautiful dress.


Since then, the girl had been gentle, neat, and lovely.


A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子

Perhaps everyone has a beautiful dress hidden somewhere in his or her heart .Only some people are not aware of it, forget it or abandon it.



