人工智慧競賽會給人類帶來災難嗎?(雙語 英語學習)

人工智能競賽會給人類帶來災難嗎?(雙語 英語學習)

Only two days after Uber’s self-driving truck, with a backup human driver as a precaution, drove on the highway in Arizona, Starsky Robotics announced that it has completed a seven mile drive without a single human.

UBER的自動無人駕駛貨車(一個司機作為安全備用)在亞利桑那運行僅僅2天后,Starsky Robotics 公司就宣佈已經完成了7英里的完全無人駕駛的試駕。

人工智能競賽會給人類帶來災難嗎?(雙語 英語學習)

A recent survey shows that upwards of 60% Americans are scared about riding in maned cars, the leading high-tech companies are racing to advance the unmanned driving technology and make it safe for passengers.


The AI will doubtlessly bring substantial benefits and generates lots of possibilities for future business. According to founder of Google , it is more important to the invention of fire and light. However, experts also worried about the potential danger and risk of misuse of AI and uncontrolled racing of AI technology.


人工智能競賽會給人類帶來災難嗎?(雙語 英語學習)

In future, computers may use speech technology to control driverless cars and automatic weapon system may be used in war battles.

將來的計算機可以通過語音技術進行綁架,控制無人駕駛汽車,甚至自動武器控制系統 會用到未來的戰場。

The race in AI may lead to future world war. Some experts say whoever leads in the race of AI will dominate the entire world.



人工智能競賽會給人類帶來災難嗎?(雙語 英語學習)

Experts are urging governments and companies to work together to reduce the risks of it being misused and technical experts and law regulators work together to make sure AI is safe and under controlled.


