


Recently, I was lucky enough to get a yellow wax stone and weigh about 2,600 grams. It belongs to Mr. Huang of guangzhou


Topaz is also known as dragon king jade, due to the waxlike texture in the surface of the stone named. As a result of the influence of geological changes, quartzite minerals are mixed with acidic soil, and there are natural conditions such as geothermal or volcanic in the vicinity of acidic soil. So compact structure, strong toughness, hardness 6.5 ~ 7.5.


The topaz with good quality has the color like field yellow, the hardness of jadeite, the hardness is good, the transparency is high, the color is bright-coloured rich.


嶺南一帶是我國有歷史記載最早賞玩黃蠟石的地區,明清時期,廣東粵東和潮汕地區就己收藏本地的黃蠟石,據永安縣(今廣東河源市紫金縣)縣誌記載:“永安產蠟石,貢於朝,盛於名也。” 永安蠟石在明清時期曾製作成鼻菸壺進貢朝廷。

In the Ming and qing dynasties, the eastern guangdong and chaoshan areas of guangdong collected local yellow wax stone. According to the county records of yongan county (now zijin county, heyuan city, guangdong province), "yongan produced wax stone. Yongan wax stone in the Ming and qing dynasties made snuff bottles tribute court.


In guangdong, guangxi, yunnan, jiangxi, zhejiang, fujian, hunan, henan, hebei and northeast provinces and other provinces have discovered the yellow wax stone, and each has its own characteristics, more and more people in the country began to contact and love the yellow wax stone.

黃蠟石玩賞歷史悠久,人們總結出了兩個方向、六種玩法。兩個方向:一是料石方向,二是觀賞石方向。六種玩法是:料石方向的寶石玩法、玉石玩法、印石玩法3種,觀賞石方向的象形石玩法、畫面石玩法、天然手玩石玩法3種。每 一種玩法都有精品和極品出現,華夏兒女以黃蠟石為載體,用深厚的文化底蘊傳承中華文明。

Yellow wax has a long history of playing, people have concluded two directions, six playing methods. Two directions: one is the direction of stones, the other is the direction of ornamental stones. Six kinds of playing methods are: playing methods for stones, playing methods for jade, playing methods for printing stones, playing methods for pictographic stones, playing methods for painted stones, and playing methods for natural hands. Each kind of play method has the high-quality goods and the supreme goods appear, the Chinese sons and daughters take the yellow wax stone as the carrier, inherits the Chinese civilization with the profound cultural heritage.


品質良好的黃蠟石是中華瑰寶,2011年2月1日正式實施的《珠寶玉石名稱》國家標準(GB/T 16552-2010)將國際標準的黃玉髓命名為黃龍玉,玉化良好的黃蠟石成為了國家標準意義的“玉”,並且,不具有產地義。是各界人士的收藏熱點。

The topaz with good quality is a Chinese gem. The national standard (GB/T 16552-2010), officially implemented on February 1, 2011, named the topaz with international standard as huanglongyu. Is the collection hot spot of all walks of life personage.


If you are interested in Tibetan friends or collectors can come to consult.

