

delighted: If you are delighted, you are extremely pleased and excited about something. 高兴的

"I'm delighted to be debuting in the chorus." (我很高兴我能在这出剧的合唱团里首演)----美剧《美国恐怖故事》

rumor: gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth 口头流传的亦真亦假的流言蜚语

"Rumor has it that you had your heart broken." (有传闻说你心都碎了)----美剧《破产姐妹》

"I heard a rumor that there would be a change in the Cabinet." (我听到谣传说内阁将会有变动)----《刘毅突破词汇5000》


pal: your pals are your friends. 朋友

"What exactly are you working on here, pal?" (你这到底是在做什么,兄弟?)----美剧《家有正太》

"I think you got the wrong address, pal." (我想你找错门了,哥们儿)----美剧《24小时》


pound: If you pound something or pound on it, you hit it with great force, usually loudly and repeatedly. 连续重击

He pounded the table with his fist. 他用拳头猛扎桌子。


trump: If you trump what someone has said or done, you beat it by saying or doing something else that seems better. (因说或做得更好而) 胜过

The Republicans tried to trump this with their slogan. 共和党人试图用他们的口号来胜出

That’s all for today

July 4, 2018. XOXO

