

酒店管理理念​ 萬豪集團最基本的理念是“人服務於人”有兩方面的含義:公平對待每一位員工,同時重視員工的感受,讓他們體會到“家”的感覺。創始人威拉德·瑪里奧特先生的經營思想是:你如能使員工樹立工作的自豪感,他們就會為顧客提供出色的服務。萬豪成功經驗的關鍵是以員工和顧客為企業的經營之重。下面讓我們一起來領略一下,萬豪20個成功的管理理念!

1. 我們群策群力,互相尊重,對待同事如同對待自已的家人和貴賓一樣。我們堅守萬豪先生的信念:"同事之間互相關懷照顧,必定能為客人提供更周到體貼的服務。"

We practice teamwork and treat each other with the same respect we afford our family and best guests. We adhere to Mr. Marriott’s belief that "If we take care of each other , we will be able to take better care of our guests." 
酒店管理理念​ 2. 真誠待客,體貼關懷,以確保客人不斷再來光顧是我們最重要的宗旨。對客人表現出真誠熱情的態度,時刻全心全意的關注。

Genuine care and comfort of our guests to ensure their return is our highest mission . Display genuine and enthusiastic interest in the guest, and always pay complete attention.

3. 笑臉迎人,親切招呼每位客人。以熱情有禮,和藹可親的態度與客人交談。儘可能用客人的名字來稱呼對方。謹記用適當的言辭,避免使用俗語和酒店術語。

Smile and greet every guest. Speak to the guest in a warm, friendly and courteous manner. Use their name as often as possible. Always use appropriate vocabulary. Avoid slang and hotel jargon. 

4. 感謝客人光臨,親切地向客人說再見,令他們臨離開之前對酒店留下溫馨難忘的好印象。

Thank the guest for their business and bid them a fond farewell. Make their last impression of the hotel warm and positive. 
酒店管理理念​5. 預先估計客人的需要,靈活配合。貫徹"主動待客"的原則,留心客人的神態,察顏辨色,以提供體貼周到的服務,令客人喜出望外。

Anticipate guest needs and be flexible In responding to them. Practice "Proactive Hospitality". Pick up on non-verbal cues to initiate personalized service and delight all guests. 

6. 對本身的工作崗位瞭如指掌。參加工作所需的所有培訓課程。

Be knowledgeable about your job. Attend all training courses required for your position.
酒店管理理念​7. 任何同事收到客人的投訴,都有責任盡力處理。運用L.E.A.R.N.程序,在自己權利範圍內盡力挽回客人的信心,按照跟進程序來處理客人的投訴,確保對方稱心如意。

Any associate who receives a guest complaint "Owns" the complaint. Use the L.E.A.R.N. process to do everything in your power to never lose a guest. Follow guest response procedures to ensure that the guest is delighted.

8. 每位同事都有責任認識和尊重客人的喜好,使客人在酒店期間得到體貼的服務。

It’s everyone’s responsibility to learn and honor our guests’ preferences so we can personalize their stay.
酒店管理理念​9. 任何同事如看到設施的用品損毀或不足,都有責任向上級報告。

It is the responsibility of every associate to report defects in the hotel, including shortages of equipment and supplies.

10. 一絲不苟地執行清潔標準,是每位同事的責任。所到之處均予清潔,包括前堂和後堂。

Uncompromising standards of cleanliness are everyone’s responsibility. Clean as you go. Both the Front of the House and the "Heart of the House".



