

Where did you grow up? This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease。

你是在哪長大的 ? 這是非常好的一句開場白,可以讓對方談論起過去,這樣對話雙方會比較輕鬆。


Do you have any pets? People love their pets, and inquiring about them encourages further conversation. And, even if the person you're chatting with doesn't have any, it's still a good start。

你養寵物嗎 ? 人們都喜歡寵物,問起他們的寵物能讓對話進行下去。即使對方沒有寵物,這也不失為一個好的開場白。


What's your favorite book? Instead of asking what people are reading right now, which can be a bit too intimate, asking about a book they love can create a mutual connection。

你最喜歡的書是哪一本 ? 如果直接詢問對方正在閱讀的書,顯得太過親密。而問他們喜歡的書利於在彼此之間建立聯繫。


What's the first thing you do after work? Do you kick off your shoes? Hit the gym? Asking how people relax makes them feel relaxed。

下班後做的第一件事是什麼 ? 是踢掉鞋子 ? 去健身 ? 問人們如何放鬆能讓他們感到愉快。


What's your dream job? Even at a corporate gathering, inquiring about someone's dream job is a fun way to get a conversation started。

你理想的職業是什麼 ? 即使是在公司聚會上,問理想職業也是開始對話的一種有效方式。



If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not everyone gets to travel tons, making this a fun question for anyone。

如果你可以住在世界上任何一個地方,你會住在哪 ? 不是每個人都有機會到處旅行,這個問題能讓大家都開心起來。


What countries have you traveled to? Even if you haven't traveled the world, asking if others have encourages someone to share memories。你去過哪些國家 ? 即使你沒有出去旅遊過,問問別人可以讓他們分享回憶。


Do you like to cook? Asking about favorite dishes and culinary adventures sparks delicious dishing。你喜歡烹飪嗎 ? 問問對方最喜歡的菜餚,烹飪方面的經歷總能引起有趣的話題。


What's your favorite food? Everyone eats, making this an icebreaker that works anywhere, anytime。你最喜歡的食物是什麼 ? 民以食為天,這個問題百試不靈。


What's your favorite drink? A wonderfully basic question, asking about best-loved beverages works at any gathering。

你最喜歡的飲料是什麼 ? 絕妙的常規問題。任何聚會上問這個問題總不會錯。



Do you have a favorite local restaurant? This is a great conversation to get people talking about their favorite local hangouts, which puts everyone at ease.

你有最喜歡的餐廳嗎 ? 這個問題能讓人們談論起日常休閒的地方,使大家放鬆。


What's your favorite movie? You can find out a lot about a person when you chat about a favorite movie. Follow it up with specific questions, such as scene stealers and actors in the flick。

你最喜歡哪部電影 ? 人們對電影的喜好能反映個人特點。接著問些具體的問題,比如誰最搶戲,片中的演員等等。


What movie are you dying to see? Jump in with a question that involves everyone and will get a group chatting over new releases。

哪一部電影你非看不可 ? 這個問題可以讓所有人都加入到對新影片的討論中。


What are you watching on TV? This is another question that won't offend and is open-ended, encouraging even the supershy to start chatting。

你都看些什麼電視節目 ? 這又是一個比較中性的問題,答案很開放,讓那些性格內向的人也能加入討論。


What's the last concert you went to? Another easygoing question for one-on-one conversation or for jumping into a group conversation. And it's a fun way to find out what kinds of music your new friends listen to。

你最近去的音樂會是那一場 ? 這個話題不僅適合兩個人談論,作為小組討論的話題也完全沒問題,還能讓你知道新朋友的音樂偏好。



What's the craziest thing you've ever done? For those who are ready to make a bold first impression, this is a question that gets attention and can lead to fun conversation。

你做過的最瘋狂的事是什麼 ? 如果你想讓人印象深刻的話,這是一個能夠吸引注意而且製造樂趣的話題。


If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have only one item, what would it be? Yes, a classic one-liner, but this convo starter always gets a good answer。

如果你被困在沙漠中但只能帶一樣東西,你會帶什麼 ? 沒錯,就是這個經典的問題,但通常你會得到一個好回答。


What's your favorite season? Here's a question that works well with the "it's always easy to talk about the weather" concept. Follow up by asking about the current weather conditions, and you have a conversation。

你最喜歡的季節是哪一個 ? 這個問題驗證了那句 " 如果不知道說什麼,問天氣總是沒錯的。" 這之後再問現在的天氣狀況,對話就開始啦。


Do you speak any other languages? Asking a semipersonal question encourages others to share information about themselves without feeling guarded。

你會說其他語言嗎 ? 問一些比較私人的話題,可以讓對方分享一些信息但又不會過度防備。


Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? Make chatting easy by asking about future plans — without setting off a stalker vibe. Keep it light and share your plans too。

這個週末有什麼計劃 ? 關於未來打算的問題讓對話變得輕鬆,但不要刨根問底,給人居心叵測的感覺。儘量保證話題輕鬆,同時也分享你的計劃

