MESI·观点|钮松研究员就伊朗形势接受China Daily采访

2018年9月25日,上外中东研究所钮松研究员就伊朗形势接受China Daily采访(见China Daily 2018年9月25日第12版),全文如下:

Iran Vows ‘Revenge’ for Terror Attack

MESI·观点|钮松研究员就伊朗形势接受China Daily采访

Iran has accused the United States and its allies of involvement in the deadly attack on a military parade on Saturday and warned of revenge for the tragedy.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the attack is the extension of the plots by the US allies in the region, seeking to create insecurity in Iran, following the terror attack in the southwestern city of Ahvaz that killed at least 25 and injured 60 others.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also blamed the US and Israel for provoking the attack, which was carried out by four armed men clad in the uniform of Iranian Islamic Revolution Guard Corps during an event to mark the anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war in 1980-88.

Speaking at the funeral ceremony held on Monday for the victims, Iran's Defense Minister Amir Hatami warned the terrorists to expect retaliation.

He was backed by the deputy head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Hossein Salami, who said on state television: You have seen our revenge before ... You will see that our response will be crushing and devastating and you will regret what you have done.

Thousands of people packed the streets of Ahvaz to mourn the victims of Saturday's attack, which killed 12 members of the elite Revolutionary Guards as well as children and women.

Al-Ahvazieh, an Iranian Arab-affiliated group, has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Niu Song, professor of Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University, said the problems behind the attack are not new to Iran, especially in terms of religious and political conflict.

This is not the first time for the group to launch such an attack, which can be viewed as a manifestation of the conflict between the two major sects in the Middle East, he said.

Niu also said that Iran accusing the US is an impact from the deadlock over the nuclear deal, which the US withdrew from in May before reimposing sanctions on Iran.

Zuo Xiying, professor from Renmin University of China, said the attack was a result of the international and domestic linkages under the context of the US and some Arab countries jointly containing Iran.

Joint pressure

From the domestic factors, Ahvaz has a crucial geographical location and there exist anti-government organizations, Zuo said. And from the international view, the US and some Arab countries have a tense relationship with Iran, and they have long supported these organizations in different ways. These forces have jointly exerted pressure on Iran.

However, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday rejected Teheran's accusations that Washington and its allies should be held accountable for the attack.

Responding to Zarif's tweet vowing to act swiftly and decisively in defense of Iranian lives, Pompeo said he wished Zarif would focus on keeping his own people secure rather than causing insecurity all around the world.

Niu said Iran could now take the chance to improve public opinion and the relationship with its neighbors.

Facing the domestic pressure, Iran may want to improve the relationship with countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, he said. It may also strengthen its anti-terrorism efforts.

MESI·观点|钮松研究员就伊朗形势接受China Daily采访


