还在用“I am happy”表达开心?太老土了!

学英语从小学到大,表达开心的时候我们脑子里面蹦出来的第一句话就是“I'm happy”。想换个说法,又不知道该如何表达。今天,英英准备了几种不同的“过得很愉快”的表达方法,来跟着一起学习吧!


还在用“I am happy”表达开心?太老土了!

  • Have the time of one's life:“过得很开心,愉快至极”。
He had the time of his life in the LA.他在洛杉矶度过了一段愉快的时光。
  • Get a bang out of:开心极了
I got a bang out of getting good grades in the final exam.我在期末考试中取得了好成绩,开心极了。
  • In heaven:置身开心,十分开心
I am in heaven now!我现在开心极了!
  • Walk on air:走在云端,心情愉悦
I am walking on air because she just accepted my proposal.我现在太开心了因为她刚刚接受了我的求婚。


难受:Feel a lump in one's throat

I feel a lump in my throat when I see the tragic film.我一看悲剧电影我就心里感到十分难受。

吃惊:Fancy that!

It's raining outside. Fancy that!外面下雨了,真令人吃惊!

焦虑:Ants in one's pants

We must hand in the report on Friday, it's like ants in my pants!我们必须周五就交报告,真让我焦虑。

