“Blow the whistle on”可不是吹口哨這麼簡單哦!

口袋君在午休的時候迎面遇上了外國同事,看他滿臉喜悅,吹著歡快的口哨,於是問他有什麼開心事:”You are blowing the whistle on, why?” 口哨聲就戛然而止。口袋君納悶了,是不是自己說錯話啦?

Blow the whistle on=叫停

“Blow the whistle on”可不是吹口哨這麼簡單哦!


The referee blew the whistle on when two players were fighting.裁判員叫了暫停,當兩個運動員打了起來。

PS:blow the whistle這個詞在新聞中非常常用,它的意思是:揭發、檢舉。指的是:為了阻止騙局或不正當的事情繼續下去而把它揭發出來。人們經常把進行揭發的人叫做:whistle-blower

He was dismissed when he tried to blow the whistle on the safety problems of the factory.當他試圖揭發工廠安全問題的時候,他被解僱了


  • As clean as whistle:非常乾淨,沒有汙點
Lily always keeps her desk as clean as whistle.麗麗總是保持她桌面的整潔。
  • Whistle in the wind:白費口舌
You ask him to give up is like a whistle in the wind.你叫他放棄簡直是白費口舌。
  • Bells and whistles:華而不實的東西
I don't need the mobile phone with bells and whistles.我不需要華而不實的手機。

如果想表達吹口哨這個意思,直接說“whistle”就好了哦!下次可別對一個正在開心吹著口哨的人說“blow the whistle on“,別人很可能會誤會喲!

