经过双方友好协商,我和贾跃亭先生已经达成了庭前和解协议,内容立刻生效,特此申明,并附上和解协议要求之一,给贾先生的公开道歉信:To Mr. Jia

经过双方友好协商,我和贾跃亭先生已经达成了庭前和解协议,内容立刻生效,特此申明,并附上和解协议要求之一,给贾先生的公开道歉信:To Mr. Jia - 致贾先生Gu Yingqiong regrets any injury, discomfort or distress that may have been caused to Y.T. Jia, his family, or his business interests by the false suggestions, including but not limited,that Mr. Jia or his company was being investigated by the US government; that Mr. Jia had taken any action to direct corporate assets to his family through a trust; or to interfere with Mr. Jia’s quiet enjoyment of his residence.顾颖琼对于之前发表的,包括但不仅限于贾跃亭或其公司正在接受美国政府调查,贾跃亭曾将公司财产通过信托形式转移给家人等一系列虚假言论,及曾经干扰贾先生私人住宅的行为给贾跃亭先生及家人和公司造成的损害,不适及痛苦深表抱歉。

