




Applying for settled status

The scheme will open fully by March 2019. The deadline for applying will be 30 June 2021. You may be able to apply after this date if you’re joining a family member with settled status in the UK. The application form will be online. You’ll be able to get support over the phone or in person if you need help doing things online.


· 您的身份

· 您在英國的居住證明,除非您已經持有英國永居的文件

· 如果您來自歐盟以外的國家,您與居住在英國的歐盟家庭成員的關係證明

When you apply, you’ll need proof of:

· your identity

· your residence in the UK, unless you have a valid permanent residence document or valid indefinite leave to remain

· your relationship to a family member from the EU living in the UK, if you’re from outside the EU



· 使用Android手機或平板電腦掃描您的身份證件

· 通過郵寄發送文件


Proof of identity

You’ll need a valid passport or national identity card. If you’re from outside the EU, you can use a valid passport or biometric residence card. When you apply, you’ll be able to either:

· scan your identity document using an Android mobile phone or tablet

· send your document by post

You’ll also need to upload a recent digital photo of your face.



· P60s or P45s(僱傭關係註冊表格)

· 工資單

· 銀行對賬單

· 水電費

· 年度企業賬戶

· 僱主合同或者確認就業的信件

· 來自認可教育機構的信件,發票或證書

· 確認進入英國邊境的護照印章

· 確認前往英國的航空公司或火車票


Proof of continuous residence

If you’ve paid tax through work or received benefits, you can use your National Insurance number to help confirm when you’ve been resident in the UK. You’ll be told if you need to give any further evidence to prove your continuous residence, for example:

· P60s or P45s

· pay slips

· bank statements

· utility bills

· annual business accounts

· employer contracts or letters confirming employment

· letters,invoices or certificates from accredited educational organisations

· passport stamps confirming entry at the UK border

· airline or train tickets confirming travel into the UK

You’ll be able to submit scans of these documents through the online application form. You will not need to provide evidence of your entire residence in the UK, only for the period that proves you’re eligible for settled or pre-settled status.




If you have criminal convictions

If you’re over 18 you’ll be asked about your criminal history in the UK and overseas. You’ll also be checked against the UK’s crime databases. If you’ve only been convicted of a minor crime, for example you’ve had a speeding fine, you’ll still be eligible for settled or pre-settled status. You may stillget settled or pre-settled status even if you have other convictions. This will be judged on a case-by-case basis. If you’ve been to prison, you’ll usually need at least 5 years’ continuous residence from the day you were released to be considered for settled status.



If you’re from outside the EU

You’ll need to provide proof of your relationship to your EU citizen family member (for example, a birth, marriage orcivil partnership certificate). You’ll be able to scan and submit this through the online application form. You’ll also need to provide evidence of your family member’s identity and residence.

You’ll need to provide your fingerprints and a photo of your face at an application centre in the UK. You will not need to do this if you already have a biometric residence card.



If you’re the parent of an adopted child

You’ll need to provide a legal adoption document recognised in the UK.



When you should apply

It may be simpler and quicker for you if you do not apply as soon as the scheme opens.



If you’ve not been living in the UK for 5 years

When you should apply depends on when you’ll qualify for‘ continuous residence’. This means the date you’ll have been in the UK for at least 6 months of each of the last 5 years. If you’ll qualify for continuous residence before 30 June 2021, you should apply on or after the date that you qualify for it. You should then only need to apply once. If you will not qualify for continuous residence before 30 June 2021, you must apply to get pre-settled status. You’ll then need to apply for settled status once you qualify for continuous residence.



If you’re applying as a family member of an EU citizen

Your application for status will be considered along with your family member’s application.

You’ll probably get a decision more quickly if you apply at the same time as your family member.



· 年滿16歲或以上,65英鎊

· 不滿16歲,32.50英鎊



You’ll usually have to pay:

· £65 if you’re 16 or over

· £32.50 if you’re under 16

You will not need to pay the fee in some situations.



If you make a mistake in your application

The Home Office will contact you before making a decision on your application, so you can correct the error. They’ll also tell you if you need to provide more evidence before they can make a decision.



If your application is not successful

You can appeal the decision if you apply after 29 March 2019. You can also reapply as many times as you want to before 30 June 2021. You’ll have to pay the fee each time you apply.


保加利亞 -- 公民優勢


2、國內經濟穩定,稅率為全歐最低,個人和企業稅全歐盟最低 – 10%,並可以避免全球徵稅和解決CRS面對的不確定前景。


4、自2009以來,已發出超過11萬6000本護照 (俄羅斯,馬其頓,烏克蘭,英國)。

5、生活幸福指數高,每年遊客量多達800萬人次, 適合旅行和生活。歐洲的後花園之一。


10萬歐/個人辦理,(配偶及子女若想辦理團聚 額外需支付1萬歐元,僅限一家三口之內)一家三口之外+5000歐元/人

