


1. Wow, the Great Wall is amazing, isn’t it? 哇,長城令人驚訝,是不是?



① “You are a teacher, aren’t you?” “Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.”


② “She was here yesterday, wasn’t she?” “Yes, she was. /No, she wasn’t.”


③ “They borrowed some money from you, didn’t they?” “Yes, they did. /No, they didn’t.”



① “Your sister isn’t coming back today, is she?” “Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.”


② “You can’t do it well, can you?” “Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.”


③ “There wasn’t a football game on TV last night, was there?”

“Yes, there was. /No, there wasn’t.”



① “Your father isn’t a doctor, is he?” “No, but my mother is.”


② “Most of you aren’t from Beijing, are you?” “Yes, but I’m not. /No, but I am.”



★陳述句中含有never, few, little, hardly, nothing, nobody等具有否定含意的詞,後面疑問部分應用肯定形式。如:

① You never saw Mr King before, did you? 你以前從未見過金先生,是嗎?

② There are few apples left on the tree, are there? 樹上沒剩幾個蘋果了,是嗎?

③ He has little money for food, does he? 他幾乎沒錢買吃的,是嗎?

④ Little Mary can hardly walk by herself, can she? 小瑪麗還不太會自己走路,是嗎?

⑤ There’s nothing in that box, is there? 盒子裡什麼也沒有,是嗎?

⑥ Nobody saw you do it, did they? 沒人看到你幹這事吧,是嗎?


2. amazing的用法


① They have got an amazing achievement. 他們取得了驚人的成就。

② That’s amazing, isn’t it? 真是令人驚歎,是不是?

③ The amazing discovery made us feel surprised. 這項驚人的發現使我們感到驚詫。

④ They do an amazing amount of work. 他們工作量大得驚人。


① We were amazed to find that no one was hurt in the accident.


② I was amazed at her knowledge of space. 她豐富的太空知識令人大為驚訝。

③ He was banging so loudly I was amazed I didn’t hear him.


④ They were amazed how little I had changed. 他們驚訝的是我竟然沒有改變多少。

★amaze用作動詞,表示“fill with a feeling of great surprise or wonder”,意為“使驚奇”“使詫異”。如:

① He amazed everybody by passing his driving test. 他駕駛考試合格使大家很驚奇。

② Her remarks amazed the people present at the meeting.


③ It amazes me that anyone could be so stupid. 真是難以置信,置有人這麼笨。


He looked at me in amazement. 他驚奇地看著我。

② To my amazement, I passed the test easily. 令我吃驚的是,我輕易地通過了考試。

3. too many和too much的用法

★too many意為“太多”“過多”,常用作定語,後接可數名詞的複數。如:

① He made too many mistakes in his composition. 他的作文裡的錯誤太多了。

② There are too many cars on the roads. 馬路上汽車太多了。

③ There are too many people on the bus. 公交車上有太多的人。

④ There are too many problems on his mind. 他心事重重。

★too much可以修飾不可數名詞,在句中作定語;too much還可以單獨使用,相當於一個代詞,在句中作主語、賓語或表語;too much還可用作副詞,在句中作狀語,表示“過多”“太多”(= more than enough)。如:

① He has too much trouble in his life. 他生活中的麻煩太多了。(作定語)

② Too much has been said today. 今天說得太多了。(作主語)

③ He eats too much, so he is much too fat. 他吃得太多,所以太胖了。(作賓語)

④ The work is too much for me. 這工作我幹不了。(作表語)

⑤ You’re asking too much. 你問得太多了。(作狀語)

⑥ Don’t let the children watch TV too much. 不要讓孩子們過多地看電視。(作狀語)

【注】too much一般不能單獨用在be動詞之後。我們可以說There was too much noise,但不能說The noise was too much.

4. Although there’s still a long way to go, we must continue to the end.


to go是動詞不定式用作定語,修飾名詞way。a long way是不定式to go的邏輯狀語。不定式作定語,位置都在名詞之後,它與名詞的關係有下列幾種:


① Is this the way to do it? 這是幹這事的辦法嗎?

② It is time to start. 是開始的時候了。

③ The government has announced new measures to deal with inflation.



① Anne’s desire to please her mother-in-law was clear to all of us.


② She expressed a wish to earn her own living. 她表達了要自己謀生的願望。

③ The managing director announced his intention to retire. 總經理宣佈了他打算退休。

④ You have not kept your promise to write me more frequently.


⑤ You have no need to worry. 你沒有擔心的必要。


① His anxiety to go was obvious. 他渴望走,這一點很明顯。

② She was dying with curiosity to know where we had been. 她極想知道我們到哪去了。

③ I feel doubtful about his ability to do the work. 我有點懷疑他做這項工作的能力。


① He has a large family to support. 他要養活一個大家庭。

② There are some difficulties to overcome. 有些困難要克服。

③ You have given me much to think about. 你使我想了很多。

④ He is not a man to trifle with. 他不是一個容易對付的人。


① I have something to do. 我有些事情要做。

② He was the first to arrive and the last to leave. 他是第一個來最後一個走。

③ This is the best book on the subject to appear this year.


④ It is kind of you to say so. 你說這些話太好了。

⑤ Here is a new book for you to read. 這裡有一本新書你可以看一看。

5. continue一詞的用法


① The meeting will be continued after a break. 休息後再繼續開會。

② The young man continued his study after his father died.


③ The rain continued falling/to fall all afternoon.



① “I like your country very much,” he continued. 他接著說:“我非常喜歡你們的國家。”


① They continued on for two kilometers. 他們又繼續向前行進了兩公里。

② The rain continued for two days. 雨連續下了兩天。

③ Are you going to continue with the project? 你打算繼續做這個項目嗎?

④ She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found.


⑤ The winter continued damp and wet. 這個冬天一直潮溼多雨。

6. Wake me up on your way back. 你回來時叫醒我。

★wake up意為“醒來”“把……叫醒”。up是副詞,如果後面接賓語時,要注意賓語的位置:如果賓語是代詞,則必須位於wake和up之間;如果賓語是名詞,則既可以位於wake和up之間,也可以位於up之後。如:

① The old man woke up in the midnight. 這老人半夜自己醒了。

② The child woke up and began to cry. 那小孩子醒了就開始哭。

③ The noise work me up. 那噪音把我吵醒了。

④ It’s 7:00 now. Please wake up Jim. = It’s 7:00 now, Please wake Jim up.


⑤ Don’t talk so loud. You’ll wake them up. 別那麼大聲說話,你會把他們吵醒的。

★wake up還可表示“覺醒”“覺悟”“使覺醒”“使覺悟”。如:

① More and more oppressed people are waking up. 越來越多的被壓迫人民在覺醒。

② I wish you would wake up! 我真希望你醒悟過來!

7. Chinese knot中國結


① Tie the two ropes together with a knot. 將兩條繩子打個結系在一起。

② Make a knot at the end of the string. 在繩頭上打個結。

③ Look, the girl’s hair is full of knots. 瞧!那女孩的頭髮打滿了結。


① The body of the tree has a lot of knots in it. We have to choose another one.


② The old man didn’t find the knots in the wood.


③ You can put the knot wood over there. 你們可以把有節木料放在那邊。


① Little knots of people were walking out of the building.


② People are standing about in knots, waiting for the news.



① The young man carefully knotted his tie. 年輕人仔細地打著領帶。

② She had a scarf knotted around her neck. 她把繞在脖子上的圍巾打了個結。

③ I didn’t knot the two ropes together. 我沒有把兩根繩子結在一起。

④ This wire is too difficult to knot easily. 這鐵絲太不容易打結了。

8. The currency used in China is the yuan. 在中國流通的貨幣是元。


① You’ll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.


② Today the USA currency is very strong now. 今天美國鈔票很值錢。

③ The robber hid the paper currencies in a big bag and the gold currencies in a jar.


④ Foreign currencies can be used to buy things in some shops in this city.



① The term “post-industrial” now has wide currency.


② The rumor soon gained currency. 謠言不脛而走。

③ Most slang words have short currency. 大多數俚語只通用一時。

④ Don’t give currency to idle gossip. 不要傳播閒言。

9. At the centre of Beijing is the Forbidden City. 紫禁城位於北京市中心。


① Parking forbidden. 禁止停車。

② We mustn’t enter the forbidden zone. 我們不能進入禁區。

③ That is the story about the forbidden fruit. 那就是關於禁果的故事。

④ The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory.



① Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum. 博物館內嚴禁攝影。

② Smoking is forbidden here. 這裡禁止抽菸。

③ My father forbade me to watch television. = My father forbade my watching television.


④ The doctor has forbidden me sugar. 醫生禁止我吃糖。

10. almost與nearly的用法


① Hurry up-it’s almost time for school. 趕快,差不多到上學時間了。

② I almost dropped the plate. 我差點把碟子掉子。

③ Almost a third of the freshmen said they were working during the summer vacation.


④ They have lived there for almost 20 years. 他們在那兒住了差不多有二十年了。

⑤ I almost forgot that it was her birthday today. 我差點忘了今天是她的生日。


★almost可以與no, none, nobody, nothing, never連用而nearly則不可。如:

① Almost no one believed her. 幾乎沒有人相信她。

② I almost never see her. 我幾乎從未見過她。

③ Almost none of the students passed the exam. 幾乎沒有學生通過考試。

④ There’s almost no place to sit. 差不多沒地方坐了。


① Nearly all the guests are here. 差不多所有客人都到了。

② He thinks that he knows nearly everything. 他自認為幾乎無所不知。

③ I’m nearly ready. 我差不多準備好了。

④ She nearly won first prize. 她幾乎得到頭獎。


① It’s nearly 5 o’clock. 大約五點鐘了。

② He’s nearly sixty. 他差不多60歲了。

★not nearly意為“相差很遠”“遠遠少於”,相當於far from, much less than。如:

① There isn’t nearly enough time to learn all these new words.


② We are not nearly ready for the inspection. 對檢查一事,我們還遠遠未準備好。

③ It is not nearly so easy as you think. 這遠不是你們所想的那麼容易。

④ There are not enough people here to do the job. 這工作遠非這裡的人就能幹好的。

11. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here.


★used to do表示“過去常常做某事”,言外之意就是現在已不是如此,因此沒有現在時,後面總是跟不定式。如:

① It used to be a very rich village. 這個村子以前很富。

② We used to help him a lot when he first came here. 他剛來時我們經常給他以幫助。

③ She used to come and see me a lot. 她以前常來看我。

【注】used to構成疑問句時可藉助於助動詞did或直接將used移至主語之前。如:

Did you used to see each other? = Used you to see each other?


★used to在構成否定時可借且於didn’t,也可直接在used後面加not構成。如:

① She didn’t use to drink. = She used not to drink. 她過去不常喝酒。

★be used to +名詞或動名詞表示“習慣於某事或做某事”,這裡to為介詞,後面的動詞須用-ing形式。如:

① I’m really not used to such close and wet weather.


② He’s used to being treated like that. 他已習慣於被那樣對待。

③ I’m used to dealing with matters of this kind. 我已習慣於處理這類事。

【注】連繫動詞get, become, grow, seem等可用來代替be,和used to連用,強調逐漸習慣的過程。如:

① You’ll get used to that in time. 你很快就會對此習慣的。

② I’ve become used to such food. 我已習慣吃這樣的食品。

★be used to do表示“被用來做某事”,這裡be used是被動語態,後面接不定式。如:

① This room is used to store rice. 這間屋是用來存放稻穀的。

② This word can be used to replace that word. 這個單詞可以用來代替那個單詞。

12. It was changed to a museum about 70 years ago.



① He changed his name and address. 他更改了他的姓名和地址。

② The wind has changed direction. 風改變了方向。

③ Leaves change colour in autumn. 秋天,樹葉改變了顏色。

④ Information technology has changed the way people work.



① Yes, she was utterly changed. 是的,她有了非常大的變化。

② She was a changed girl. 她完全變了一個人。


① She likes changing her clothes when she wants to go out.


② Remember to change their dressing in time. 記得及時給他們換藥。

③ Yesterday they changed their seats with the children in the cinema.


④ Can you change the dollars into RMB? 你能把這些美元換成人民幣嗎?


① Pudong has changed a great deal. 浦東發生了巨大變化。

② Mike hasn’t changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.


③ I went into the bedroom to change. 我走進臥室更衣。

④ Where do I get off to change to Bus 14? 換十四路公共汽車在哪兒下?

⑤ Passengers for Xian change at Zhengzhou. 到西安的旅客在鄭州換車。


① Great changes have taken place since he left. 他離開後變化很大。

② We must make a change in the plan. 我們應該對計劃作一點更動。


① I have no change about me. 我身邊沒有零錢。

② I don’t have any small change to leave as a tip. 我沒有零錢留下來付小費。

13. You will be attracted by its beautiful design, and the clothes and furniture that the emperors used in the past.



① He was attracted by her smile. 他被她的微笑所吸引。

② I guess it was her eyes that attracted me first. 我想是她的眼睛先迷住了我。

③ What attracts me most to the job is the chance to travel.


④ Her new book has attracted a lot of attention. 她的新書吸引了許多人的注意。

⑤ It was so noisy that he had to shout to attract attention.


⑥ The story has attracted a lot of interest in the media. 該報道引起了傳媒的廣泛關注。

【注】attract後接sb.作賓語時,常可與介詞to連用,attract sb. to sth.意為“吸引某人到某事物上來”,如句③;attract後接sth.作賓語時,作賓語的名詞通常為attention, interest等,如句④、⑤和⑥。表示吸引某人的注意力可以說attract/invite/draw/call one’s attention;表示“注意別人或其他事物”應說pay attention to sb./sth.,兩者意思相反,如:Her sweet voice attracted other’s attention. (她甜美的聲音吸引了人們的注意。)


① A magnet attracts iron. 磁石吸鐵。

② Flowers attract bees. 花招引蜜蜂。

③ The company is trying to attract good college graduates.


④ They’re trying to use low rents to attract more new business to this area.



① The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tide.


② Being your own boss is one of the attractions of owning your own business.


③ The beautiful beaches are the island’s main attraction.


14. Just next to the Forbidden City is Tian’ anmen Square.



① It is just two o’clock. 現在正好兩點鐘。

② This is just the point. 問題就在這裡。

③ I was just going when she came in. 她進來時我正要走。


① That is just long enough. 那正夠長。

② He was just standing when the bell rang. 鈴響時他正要站起來。

③ She was sitting just here. 她那時就坐在這兒。

④ That’s just what I wanted. 我要的正是那個。


① Just a line to let you know that I have arrive in Shanghai.


② He is just a child. 他只是個孩子。


① He was just here. 他剛才還在這兒。

② He just told me about it. 他剛才才告訴我這件事。

③ He has just left here. 他剛離開這兒。

【注】just意思是“剛才”“方才”,英國英語中常與現在完成時連用,置於助動詞和動詞之間;just now表示“片刻之前(= a moment ago)”,與過去時連用,不與完成時連用。在美國英語中,just常被置於動詞前,與過去時連用。如:

① I have just seen her. 我剛剛見過她。

② I saw him just now. 我剛才見到了他。

③ The train has just arrived. 火車剛剛到了。

④ The train jus arrived. 火車剛剛才到。


① We could just see the roof. 我們勉強能看到屋頂。

② I only just caught the last bus. 我差一點趕不上末班公共汽車。

③ I just managed to finish the work. 我好不容易才完成工作。


① Just think of the result! 就請考慮一下後果吧!

② Just a moment, please. 請稍等片刻。

③ Just feel it! 你摸摸看!

15. peace一詞的用法


① We love peace but we are not afraid of war.


② After the war, there were ten years of peace. 戰後有十年的和平時期。

③ Here is peace in the countryside at night. 農村夜間是安靜的。

④ A man who is wanted by the police can have little peace of mind.


⑤ Knowing that she had arrived safely restored my peace of mind.



① Peace was signed in the spring of that year. 和約是在那年春天簽訂的。

② A peace was at last signed between the two countries. 兩國終於簽訂了和約。


① The hillsides looked very peaceful. 山坡上看來十分寧靜。

② China is a peaceful nation. 中國是一個愛好和平的國家。

③ I want to live in a place more peaceful than here. 我想住在一個比這裡更安靜的地方。

★in peace意為“安靜”“安寧”。如:

① Leave me in peace to read my book. 讓我安靜地看書吧。

② Leave him in peace; he’s trying to work. 別吵他,他要工作。

★make peace意為“休戰”“講和”。如:

① The two countries made peace. 這兩個國家休戰了。

② The leaders of the two nations decided to make peace. 兩國領導人決定講和。

16. It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists.



① Please fill the glass with water. 請把杯子注滿水。

② He filled the bag with clothes. 他把包裝滿衣服。

★fill也可表示一個狀態,相當於be filled with,但表達形式不同,請注意下面的表達法。

① Smoke filled the room. = The room was filled with smoke. 房間裡濃煙瀰漫。

② Tears filled her eyes. = Her eyes were filled with tears. 她眼睛裡充滿了淚水。

③ People were filled with pleasure at the news. 聽了這個消息,人們心中充滿了喜悅。

【注】句③是一種引申用法,不宜說Pleasure filled people…。

★full是形容詞,意思是“滿的”“充滿的”。Be full of = be filled with,都表示狀態,但介詞搭配不一樣。如:

① The bag is full of (或filled with) books. 包裡裝滿了書。

② His homework was full of (或filled with ) mistakes. 他的作業裡都是錯誤。

17. Many of them gather here to watch the raising of the national flag at sunrise every day.



① Thousands of people gathered for the rock concert.


② A crowd soon gathered. 很快聚集起一群人。

③ A musical evening with the whole family gathered round the piano.



① She gathered her belongings and set off. 她把東西收拾好,就走了。

② It was the time for gathering the harvest of corn. 該收玉米了。

③ Let’s gather some flowers for the festival! 讓我們為慶祝節日採些花吧!

④ Children are interested gathering shell-fish at low tide.


⑤ The moment the wheat was gathered in, a storm broke out.



① The student collected (= gathered) his books and went out of the reading room.


② A crowd of people collected (= gathered) to watch the game.


③ Collecting coins/stamps is one of my hobbies.


④ I’m collecting /gathering information for my research. 我在為我的研究收集信息。

⑤ Dark clouds are gathering/collecting. 烏雲越積越厚。

【注】指一種愛好性質的收集用collect,而不用gather。集中思想且有控制意味,用collect,不用gather。指農民“收拾莊稼”,說gather crops,而不說collect crops。另外,gather可和together連用,而對於collect來說,together則顯得多餘。可以說He gathered together/collected his papers. 他把稿子集中起來。可以說People gathered together. 或People collected up. 人們聚集了起來。但不說collect together.

18. raise與rise的用法

★raise (raised, raised)作及物動詞,表示“撫養”“養育”;raise還有“飼養”“餵養”“種植”“提出”“舉起”“抬起”“提高”的意思。如:

① The old lady raised six orphans in her life. 這位老太太一生撫養了六個孤兒。

② Where was he raised? 他是在哪裡長大的?

③ His job is to raise pigs. 他的工作就是養豬。

④ She raised her eyes and stared at them. 她舉目盯著他們。

⑤ The people’s living standards have been greatly raised.


★rise (rose, risen)用作不及物動詞,意為“上升”“升起”“增長”“提高”“起身”。作“上升”講時是指繼續上升,常用於日、月、雲、霧、煙、水蒸氣等;也可以指溫度計、體溫、物體、水位、職位等方面的上升。如:

① Look! The moon is rising. 瞧!月亮升起來了。

② She has had a high fever, and her temperature is still rising. 她發高燒,體溫還在上升。

③ The master rose from his chair with the teaching stick in his hand.


④ His book has risen in value, and he has risen in rank.



① The price of tomatoes has been raised recently.


② The price of tomatoes has risen recently. 西紅柿最近漲價了。(說明價格自身上漲)

③ Our living standard has risen in the past few years.

Our living standard has been raised in the past few years.


④ He raised the child from the ground. (強調把孩子扶起來)

⑤ The child rose from the ground. (強調孩子自己站起來)

⑥ He lifted the child up from the ground. (強調用勁兒扶起)

19. It is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a natural landscape.



① Paris is a famous city. 巴黎是著名的城市。

② He is a famous artist. 他是一位著名的藝術家。

③ She wants to be a famous singer. 她想當一位著名的歌唱家。

④ We have won a famous victory. 我們贏得了輝煌的勝利。

★be famous for意為“以……而出名”,其主語可以是人也可以是物,for後的賓語說明出名的原因。如:

① The area is famous for its green tea. 這個地區以綠茶而出名。

② France is famous for its fine food and wine. 法國以其佳餚和美酒而聞名。

★be famous as意為“以某種身份而聞名、出名”,as後的賓語與主語是同位成分。如:

① Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 愛因斯坦以一位偉大的科學家著稱。

② The actor is more famous as a writer. 那位演員的作家身份較為有名。

③ Wang Junxia is famous as a good runner. 王軍霞是一位很著名的長跑運動員。

★be known as意為“以……知名”“以……出名”“被認為是”,known為形容詞。如:

① He is well known as a pianist. 他是一位著名的鋼琴家。

② He is known as a writer rather than a poet.


★be known for意為“聞名”“以……而眾所周知”,known相當於famous。如:

① Switzerland is known for its mountains. 瑞士以它的山而聞名。

② He is known for his readiness to help others. 大家都知道他總是樂於幫助別人。

③ China is well known for the Great Wall. 中國以萬里長城而聞名。

★be known to意為“為……所知”,to後接某人。如:

① He is known to every one of us. 我們每人都知道他。

② It’s known to all that they do an important and necessary job.


③ He is known to everyone as a good actor. 人人都知道他是一位出色的演員。


① He is a well-known singer. 他是一名著名的歌唱家。

20. natural一詞的用法


① Coal and oil are natural resources. 煤和石油是天然資源。

② Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 許多天然原料越來越少。

③ She finds great interest in natural science. 她對自然科學有很大興趣。


① She speaks in a natural voice. 她說話聲音自然。

② He tried to keep his voice quite (= perfectly) natural.



① It’s natural for a child to love its mother. 孩子愛母親,這是很自然的。

② It’s natural to run away if you’re afraid. 你害怕的時候就跑開,那是很自然的。

③ His death was from natural cause. 他的死是自然死亡。


① She has a natural ability for arranging flowers. 她有插花的天賦。

② I do not doubt that it is made by natural ability.


③ She is a natural linguist. 她是個天生的語言學家。


natural forces自然力量 natural gas天然氣

natural food自然食物 natural science自然科學

natural death老死的 natural abilities自然能力

natural gifts天賦才能 natural history博物學;自然(課)

in a natural state處於自然狀態;未經加工或人工培養等

come natural to對……是很自然的;對……是輕而易舉的


① It’s against nature for people to cut off trees on mountains or hills for farming.


② The beauties of nature inspired many poets. 自然之美激發許多詩人的靈感。

③ We must plant more trees and keep the balance of nature.


④ Man will return to nature. 人類最終要回歸自然。

⑤ She has a very sweet nature. 她性格很溫柔。

⑥ My two dogs have quite different natures. 我的兩隻狗的本性完全不同。

21. It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.


★consist of意為“由……組成”“由……構成”。如:

① The book consists of eight chapters. 那書共有八章。

② Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氫和氧組成。

③ The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.



① The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens.


② Wisdom does not consists only in knowing fact. 智慧並非僅僅是掌握事實。

③ The beauty of the city consists in its nice buildings.


④ True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.


22. mainly一詞的用法


① It is mainly because of my fault. 這主要是由於我的過錯。

② The visitors were mainly students. 來訪者大部分是學生。

③ They talked mainly about the work at the meeting. 在會上,他們主要談論工作。

④ His money mainly come from business investments. 他的錢主要來自於商業投資。


① What’s the main purpose of your visit? 你訪問的主要目的是什麼?

② This is the main street in our city. 這是我們市內的主要街道。

③ Can you catch the main idea of the text? 你能領會本篇課文的主題嗎?

④ The main thing is to work well. 最重要的是要工作好。

⑤ He doesn’t make much money, but he is very happy. That’s the main thing.


23. It is a long wall which runs more than 5,000 kilometers across northern China.



① The road runs for many miles by the sea. 這條公路沿著海邊延伸好幾英里。

② A small stream runs across it. 一條小溪從這裡穿過。

③ The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200 km.


④ There is a tunnel running though the mountain. 有一條隧道從山裡穿過。

⑤ The appointment runs for two years. 任期是兩年。

⑥ This show has been running for six weeks (continuously).



① A running commentary on the match will be broadcast over the radio.


② He made a running translation of the talk. 他給這個報告做了即席翻譯。


① I don’t run as fast as you. 我跑得沒你快。

② She run to the place and knocked at the door. 她跑到那裡敲了敲門。

③ Are you running in the 4,000 metres? 你要參加四千米賽跑嗎?

④ I used to run when I was in middle school. 我在中學的時候常常跑步。


① The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong.


② The river was running very slowly. 河水流得很慢。

③ We mustn’t let the water run to waste. 我們不能讓這水白白流掉。

④ Who has left the water (tap) running? 誰開了自來水(龍頭)沒關?

⑤ His cough has slackened, but his nose is still running.



① The train was running at 80 miles an hour.


② There are frequent buses running from Yanan to Xian.


③ The next train runs from Beijing to Nanning. 下一列火車是由北京開往南寧的。

④ The engine runs quite smoothly. 這部發動機運轉十分順利。


① They ran the nurseries extremely well. 他們把託兒所辦得很好。

② For this they running short-term courses and evening classes.


③ They have the right to run their own affairs. 他們有權管理自己的事務。

④ They’re determined to run the train better. 他們決心把火車開得更好。

⑤ They ran the car downhill. 他們把車往山下開。

24. more than一詞的用法

★more than意思為“超過”“大於”“多於”,常常與數詞連用,相當於over,其反義詞組為less than,意為“不足”“不到”。如:

① The population of China is more than 1.3 billion. 中國人口超十三億。

② I have know him for more than twenty years. 我認識他已經超過二十多年了。

③ More than a person knows the secret. 不止一個人知道這個秘密。

④ There are more than 50 students in our class. 我們班有50多位學生。

⑤ It was a little man less than six inches tall. 那是一個身高不到六英寸的小人。

★more than另一個意思是“不僅僅”“遠不止”,相當於not only的含義,後面跟名詞。如:

① Our English teacher is more than a teacher. He is our friend, too.


② Tom and Jack are more than classmates. They are close friends.


③ He was much more than a friend to me. 對我而言,他遠不止是個朋友。

★more than表示“非常”“十分”,常常用來修飾形容詞,相當於very。如:

① When I asked them for help, they were more than glad to come.


② They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition.


③ He was more than willing to help. 他非常願意提供幫助。

