大麻丨大麻公司奧羅拉 Q4營收同比增長363%,一月股價飆升46%


One of the harder marijuana stocks to predict in 2018 was Aurora Cannabis Inc .

2018年最難預測的大麻類股之一是奧羅拉(Aurora)Cannabis Inc。

Aurora has, for a long while, been among the most intriguing—and at times the most maddening—marijuana companies. Despite all that, ACB stock has surged by 46% since the beginning of 2019. And following the Aurora Cannabis Q2 financial report, I believe it can gain another 50% by year’s end.

長期以來,奧羅拉一直是最吸引人的——有時也是最瘋狂的——大麻公司之一。儘管如此,ACB 的股票自2019年初以來已經飆升了46%。在奧羅拉(Aurora)Cannabis 財務報告發布後,我相信到年底,它還能再增長50%。

大麻丨大麻公司奧羅拉 Q4營收同比增長363%,一月股價飆升46%

Net revenue hit $54.2 million (all figures CAD), up 83% from the last quarter and a whopping 363% from a year before. While those numbers may seem stellar, they weren’t all that unexpected; Canadian marijuana legalization helped spark a huge sales boost, as you would expect. (Source: “Aurora Cannabis Announces Financial Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal 2019,” Aurora Cannabis Inc, February 11, 2019.)

淨收入達到5420萬美元(所有數字都是 CAD ),比上一季度增長83%,同比增長363%。雖然這些數字看起來很突出,但並非所有這些都出人意料;正如你所預期的那樣,加拿大大麻合法化有助於刺激巨大的銷售增長。(來源:“ Aurora Cannabis 宣佈2018財年Q4財務業績,”奧羅拉(Aurora)Cannabis Inc .,2019年2月11日)。

But in the days following the release of the Aurora Cannabis Q2 financial report, we saw the company swing downward, followed by a rally. Considering the huge revenue increases, you’d expect share prices to rise. So what gives?

但在奧羅拉(Aurora)Cannabis 發佈財務報告後的幾天裡,我們看到該公司股價下跌,隨後出現反彈。考慮到收入的大幅增長,你會預期股價會上漲。那麼什麼給予呢?

Despite the massive surge in revenue, it was offset by a massive loss of $237.8 million in the quarter. A year ago, ACB stock had earning profits of $7.7 million. The previous quarter had the company netting a $105.5 million profit.

儘管收入大幅增長,但該季度的鉅額虧損2.378億美元抵消了收入的增長。一年前,ACB 股票的利潤為770萬美元。上個季度,該公司實現了1.055億美元的淨利潤。

Between high taxes in Canada on the marijuana trade, sinking a huge amount of money into expanding its production capacity, lowered sales prices of products, and regulatory demands like packaging specifications, profits were quickly eaten away and replaced by the massive loss.


