

Which kind of city would be your free choice for settlement?


American urban researcher Richard Florida gives an answer in his book Who’s your city?: Money always flows to the place with the highest return and talents to the most promising place.

美国城市研究学者理查德• 佛洛里达在《你属哪座城》一书中给出了答案:资金总是流向回报最高的地方,而人才总是流向最有机会的地方。


Last year, hundreds of thousands of highly educated talents came to Zhengzhou, demonstrating the powerful strength of this central plains city to the world. According to authoritative statistics, the population changes significantly among Chinese cities. While Beijing saw the first negative growth in permanent population over the last 20 years and Shanghai also experienced a decrease, some provincial capitals such as Zhengzhou and Xi’an recorded a steady growth, breaking through the mark of ten million. For the ambitious young generation, a fresh “first-tier” city Zhengzhou, which wins continuous and large inflow in permanent population and possesses richer resources on the course to a national central city, is their unmissable opportunity for expectable innovation vigor and entrepreneurship potential.

在过去的一年里,数十万高学历人才投奔郑州,让一座中原城市向世人展示其强大的实力。据权威数据统计,中国城市人口版图正出现重要变化,北京常住人口近20 年来首次出现负增长,上海常住人口也开始减少,而郑州、西安等多个省会城市的常住人口稳步增长,突破千万。对于那些胸怀梦想的年轻人来说,作为“新一线”城市的郑州,常住人口连年大幅净流入,建设国家中心城市底蕴也更加丰厚,这里的“机遇”正是他们未来可期的创新活力和创业潜力。其实,郑州迈向人口“千万级俱乐部”早有预兆。


In fact, signs for Zhengzhou’s membership in the “ten-million-level club” already exist. In March 2018, Statistical Communiqué of Zhengzhou City on the 2017 National Economic and Social Development issued by Zhengzhou Statistical Bureau showed that, at the end of 2017, Zhengzhou had a total population of 9.881 million, which was approximate to ten million. As the historical data suggests, Zhengzhou has seen a steady increase in population in recent years due to the substantial net population inflow. Since 2011, annually average 155,000~230,000 people were newly recorded to Zhengzhou, which comes to a foregone conclusion-by the end of 2018, the population of Zhengzhou has exceed ten million, marking the second “ten million-level” city among six provincial capitals in Central China.

2018 年3 月,郑州市统计局发布《2017 年郑州市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,数据显示,2017 年末郑州全市总人口达988.1 万人,已逼近千万。根据历年统计,近年来,作为人口大幅净流入城市,郑州人口数量一直稳步增长,2011 年以来,郑州年增长人数均在15.5 万~23 万人,截至2018 年底,人口已超过千万。这意味着,郑州是中部六省省会中第二个加入人口“千万级俱乐部”的城市。


Experts analyzed that, opposite to the population breakthrough to ten million of new first-tier cities like Zhengzhou, Xi’an and Hangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai see a population decrease. Latest data published on Jan 8, 2019 indicated, Beijing had permanent population of 21.707 million in 2017, down 22,000 compared with previous year, marking the first negative growth during the last two decades. At the same time, Shanghai showed a decrease of 13,700 permanent populations in 2017. On Jan 9, the 2018 Employer Trend Report published by Zhaopin.com showed that, the largest part of job applicants to Zhengzhou came from Beijing (9.91%), followed by Shanghai (7.14%), instead of surrounding provincial cities. In this regard, new first-tier cities are overtaking when their predecessors face with constrictive population policies.

有关专家分析,被称为“新一线”城市的郑州、西安、杭州等将陆续加入人口“千万级俱乐部”,而京沪人口将逐渐出现“瘦身”。2019 年1 月8 日,最新数据显示,2017 年北京常住人口2170.7 万人,比2016 年减少2.2 万人,这是近20 年来首次负增长。与此同时,上海2017 年常住人口也比2016 年减少了1.37 万。1 月9 日,由智联招聘发布的2018 年度雇主趋势报告显示,郑州市岗位投递者来源比例最高的并非周边省辖市,而是北京,比例为9.91%,其次是上海,比例为7.14%。可以说,在一线城市人口政策紧缩的情况下,“新一线”城市迎来了“换道超车”的新机遇。


The partial outflow from Beijing and Shanghai is heading for this rising city in Central Plains. According to the Action Outline for Building into A National Central City of Zhengzhou, the permanent population of Zhengzhou will reach 11 million by 2020 and go up to 13.5 million by 2035. It is predictable that bigger challenges are in the way for Zhengzhou in the next few years.

京沪等地流出的部分人口正在奔向这座崛起的中原城市。《郑州建设国家中心城市行动纲要》提出,到2020 年,郑州常住人口规模为1100 万人,2035 年达到1350 万人。相信在接下来的几年里,郑州还需要面对更大的挑战。


The population and human resources is the prominent component of economic society. The cities owning substantial net inflow of population are certain to be more competitive in the future. Especially, the rise of new industry provides driving force for large cities to implement stronger human resources introduction policies.



Indeed, what’s the advantage of Zhengzhou City? Unique “location + hub”, status as the capital of a province with 100-million population, rapid growth during the 40 years of reform and opening up, etc. In the new era, the superadditive effect of national policies that enable the construction of “three zones and one cluster” and the national central city brings new opportunities to Zhengzhou, thus facilitating the scale expansion and quality promotion of the city and generating stronger attractive force. Furthermore, the upgrading to a city with ten million populations and the outperformed network hub function as well as the right ascending period featuring steady expansion of population, economy and urban space are all the advantages for Zhengzhou to take a strong position in regional competition.

那么,郑州的优势究竟在哪里?得天独厚的“区位+ 枢纽”优势,以及作为1 亿多人口大省的省会、改革开放40 年快速发展等因素毋庸置疑。进入新时代,“三区一群”建设和国家中心城市建设等政策优势叠加,使郑州迎来了新的发展机遇,城市规模扩张、品质提升,城市吸引力大为增强。再加上跻身人口“千万级俱乐部”,网络枢纽功能相对突出,郑州的人口、经济、城市空间均处于稳步扩张上升期,这都成为城市在区域竞争中重要的新筹码。

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Interviewed by Wang Yiping

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