


  • Andy:


I think true kind acts are those that are done without public knowledge or without the recipients knowledge of who helped them. Truly kind in the sense that it was done without any sense of wanting a reward or recognition. It's difficult for me to think of one occasion, but I love to motivate others to reach their goals.

  • Ying:


Once, I saw an old man eating alone in a cafe. Everyone in that cafe was with someone, only he was alone. In that moment, he reminded me of my grandfather, I thought, "Is this how he lives everyday, "So I went up to the waiter and paid for the old man's bill. I didn't tell the old man about it, because my name doesn't matter. I wanted to let that old man feel like someone was looking out for him every now and then .

  • Anna:


I've got a soft spot in my heart for the elderly, too…… Well, does an animal count? Once I was driving to school and almost ran over a turtle (I thought it was a piece of cardboard or something ) in the middle of the road. Thankfully no one else was around, so I swerved in time. I was driving away, but I could feel guilt blossoming in my chest, so I went back and put my emergency lights on. I'm actually scared of handling wild animals, so all I could do was wait and flag down the next driver to help me out. A nice girl stopped and helped me pick the turtle up and put it in the grass. I got a thumb up from the driver behind her, too! It made me feel happy!

  • Jane:


I saw a homeless man digging through the garbage can on a particular cold day when I was leaving the store. I felt so bad that I went back to the store and bought him some snack and water.

  • Hunter:

我做過的最美好的事是和我的表兄妹們重聚。我有三個讀小學的表兄妹。有一天,我決定一個人去照顧他們。我為五歲的孩子讀了一篇睡前故事,我教八歲的孩子如何讓每一天與眾不同、如何好好長大,我教十歲的孩子如何對抗仗勢欺人的人、如何追逐夢想…… 他們覺得我是他們所見過最好的人之一。

The nicest thing I've done was reunite with my cousins. I have 3 cousins that are all in elementary. One day, I decided to babysit them on my own. I read the one that was 5 years old a bedtime story, I taught the 8 year old how to make every day special and grow up great, and I taught the 10 year old how to stand up to bullies and follow his dreams…… They think I am one of the best people they've met.


  • 答者:老外這麼看

  • 來源:微信公眾號“老外這麼看”
  • 關於西方人的觀點,我們會在公眾號裡陸續以中英雙語的形式分享。希望我的回答對大家有所幫助~!

