
外刊精讀 Day12 | 你算是一個公正的人嗎?

原文刊登於《Scientific American》(2018.03.27)


When is the last time a stereotype popped into your mind? If you are like most people, the authors included, it happens all the time. That doesn’t make you a racist, sexist, or whatever-ist. It just means your brain is working properly, noticing patterns, and makinggeneralizations. But the same thought processes that make people smart can also make them biased. This tendency for stereotype-confirming thoughts to pass spontaneously through our minds is what psychologists call implicit bias. It sets people up to overgeneralize, sometimes leading to discrimination even when people feel they are being fair.


racist 種族主義者

sexist 性別歧視者

generalization 歸納概括

spontaneously 不自主的,自發的

discrimination 歧視


stereotype 本詞意思是陳規,老套;但此處做名詞,意為偏見、成見。

pop 該詞有流行,通俗之意,還可以作擬聲詞,表示“砰的一聲”;此處意為突然冒出。


1.This tendency for stereotype-confirming thoughts to pass spontaneously through our minds is what psychologists call implicit bias.

此句主幹為“This tendency is what…”,後面的“for stereotype-confirming thoughts to pass spontaneously through our minds”為其定語;“stereotype-confirming”是合成形容詞,stereotype為成見,confirm意為順應、遵從,合起來把後面的confirm變成分詞,意思就是“遵從成見的”;後面的what+句子為表語從句。




1.The dose intensity tails off with increasing distance from the body, and reaches a maximum when the devices are used next to the head during phone calls or in front of the body during texting or tweeting.

本句主幹為the dose intensity tails off and reaches a maximum; “with increasing distance from the body”為分詞做狀語;後半句“When…”為時間狀語從句,裡面又有兩個during…作時間狀語。

