海外大師預測「射手」星座運勢!Sagittarius Daily Horoscope!

海外大師預測「射手」星座運勢!Sagittarius Daily Horoscope!


Relationships meant to support you aren’t really that realistic from this point of view. Secret relationships are possible, as well as all sorts of hidden trails and things that others don’t really wish to see. Let them flow and don’t resist the feelings that come to surface along the way.

You need more time to think about your options, so you can make your choices. Don’t rush and push yourself over edges that are there to protect you from hurt.



小編英文一般!翻譯水平實在有限!多多包涵!哪位大神可以翻譯標準版!喜歡的朋友 歡迎轉發關注

