【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?

【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?

【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?


The changing situation in the Korean Peninsula has long drawn close attention from the international community. The second summit between the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK), concluded without any deal and left the world to wonder, which direction is the future of the Peninsula is heading? Is the Korean Peninsula safe? Can denuclearization in the Peninsula be achieved?

China Focus的專訪中,韓國總統統一、外交、安全事務特別助理文正仁將為我們解局錯綜複雜的半島形勢,展望半島未來發展。

To discuss these issues and more, China Focus exclusively interviewed Special Security adviser to the President of the Republic of Korea(ROK), Moon Chung-in, who analyzed and deciphered the complexities of the Peninsula situation, and gave a glimpse into the area's future.

【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?


Special Adviser on Unification, Diplomacy and National Security to the President of the Republic of Korea


Having held the post of professor of political science at Yonsei University,Moon Chung-in has also worked for several American universities, making him an experienced operator in US diplomacy and DPRK affairs. Not long after ROK President Moon Jae-in took office in May 2017, Moon Chung-in was nominated as special security adviser to President Moon Jae-in, taking charge of issues including unification, diplomacy and security affairs. Moon Chung-inhas been credited with facilitating the summits between Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, as well as the first summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore.


Moon Chung-in has consistently given both startling and poignant statements when commenting issues in the Peninsula. In this exclusive interview, we will have a chance to learn his thoughts on China's role in resolving U.S.-DPRK issues, and the biggest development challenges that China and ROK face, respectively.


Is the Korean Peninsula Safe?


"The year 2017 was a year of crisis, chaos and anxiety," Moon recalled. "North Korea test launched 11 ballistic missiles. It also conducted its sixth nuclear test, this time testing a hydrogen bomb. The West was concerned. But in 2018, there was a great reversal. President Moon Jae-in met Chairman Kim Jong-un three times."

【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?


But when discussing the current situation in the Korean Peninsula, Moonagrees that there are still many obstacles to overcome. Now, the United States remains very, very firm on North Korea. The stated American position dicates that there will be no relaxation of sanctions against North Korea without complete denuclearization. North Korea cannot make such concessions and accept this proposal, making the likelihood of an agreement between Pyongyang and Washington unlikely anytime soon. Moon added that hopefully with the help of the Chinese government, or even the Russian government, there can be a breakthrough.

朝鮮半島的和平與繁榮將有利於東北亞、整個亞洲,以及全世界的發展。如果不能實現無核化,這樣的和平與繁榮也將無法實現, 他強調道。

Peace and prosperity in Korea can be beneficial to the Northeast Asian region, Asia and the world as a whole. But peace and prosperity in Korea cannot be achieved without North Korean denuclearization, and indeed the denuclearization of the entire Korean Peninsula, Moon stressed.


What Has Been China's Role in the Korea Peninsula Peace Process?


"China has played a very, very crucial role in facilitating the participation of the North Korean leader in dialogue and negotiation, and in pursuing denuclearization,"Moon said of China's contribution to maintaining peace in the Korean Peninsula. He emphasized that without Chinese efforts, such progress would not have been possible.


Moon added that Chairman Kim Jong-un's visit to Singapore and his meeting with President Trump is indicative of such progress, as was Kim Jong-un's visit to Panmunjom and his acceptance of President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang.

【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?


Top leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump meet in Singapore on June 12, 2018.


"This has been made possible because the Chinese government has been emphasizing peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the peaceful resolution of all pending issues through dialogue and negotiation,"Moon explained."Those are the right policies and also, the Chinese government's strategy seems to be in the right place. The Chinese government has been emphasizing the double suspension: North Korea‘s missiles and nuclear testing, as well as the ROK-US joint military exercises and also using the two tracks to indicate the simultaneous pursuit of the denuclearization of Korea, along with peaceful regimes on the Korean Peninsula. And I think all those principles and strategies nicely dovetail with what the South Korean government has been thinking."


With regards to the China-South Korea relationship, Moon said the two countries have been cooperating very closely. "Their first common agenda is how to denuclearize Korea and promote peace in Korea. And obviously China wants the THAAD missile system deployed in Korea to be disassembled, and if there is no missile threat coming from North Korea, there will be very little justification to continue the system's deployment in South Korea". Moon said that the removal of the THAAD system would be an indication of real cooperation between Beijing and Seoul.


What Progress Do You Hope Will Be Made in the Future?


Moon stresses another summit between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un, and that then Kim Jong-un should pay a visit to Seoul. Moon added that he hopes there can be an end of war declaration on the Korean Peninsula and further progress toward a peaceful regional agreement.


"At the same time, we can make progress in the denuclearization of North Korea,"Moon

said. "That is really what I want in 2019." Hopefully, there remains a good chance that the U.S. and DPRK leaders will meet again this year, otherwise there will be less progress towards peace and the denuclearization of Korea, he added.

【China Insight】文正仁:中國在半島問題上起了哪些作用?

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