
English is Fun | 你知道“壞事傳千里”英語怎麼表達嗎?



English is Fun | 你知道“壞事傳千里”英語怎麼表達嗎?

1. bad news travels fast - when something bad happens, a lot of people hear about it very, very quickly.

- 壞事傳千里;

從字面意思就很好理解, “壞的消息旅行的很快”。這種事全世界都一樣,“好事不出門,壞事傳千里”,只要誰有點不好的事發生,馬上就家喻戶曉,特別是在辦公室,學校,鄰里間。

e.g. Behave yourself because bad news travels fast.

English is Fun | 你知道“壞事傳千里”英語怎麼表達嗎?

2. (talk)mile a minute/a mile a minute - something is happening at a very rapid pace.

- 話語連珠;


e.g. your mind is going a mile a minute.

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3. off the beaten track - this refers to a little-known location or a place that not a lot of people know about.

- 人跡罕見的地方;


e.g. My favorite restaurant is a tiny Indian place down the street. It's really off the beaten track.

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4. hit the road - begin your journey or your trip.

- 出發;


e.g. We're all packed, let's hit the road.

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5. jump on the bandwagon - it means to join an activity that has become popular.

- 趕時髦;


e.g. I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

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6. in the same boat - It means to be in the same circumstances or situation as others.

- 同病相憐;


e.g. I'm so tired, I only slept two hours last night. I'm in the same boat. I stayed up all night to study for the physics exam.

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7. travel light - when you travel light, you travel without a lot of luggage.

- 輕裝出行;


e.g. As much as I like to travel light, I always end up with a suitcase that's too full.

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8. missed the boat - means to miss an opportunity.

- 錯失良機;


e.g. He missed the boat when he didn't apply for the job in time.

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9. train of thought - refers to the sequence of thoughts in your mind.

- 思路;

“想法的訓練“,一般這個習語會和lost (lose) 用在一起,通常都是當你在說某件事,或者腦子裡在安排某些事的時候突然被打斷,此時你就lost your train of thought.

e.g. I completely lost my train of thought when the doorbell rang.

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10. right up my alley - to describe something that is exactly how we want/like it, or that's something that we're passionate about.

- 我的菜,正合我意;

“在我的巷子裡“,意思就是某樣東西,某件事是你喜歡的,你把它納入旗下。類似的說法還有,i'm a fan of../my cup of tea.

e.g. I believe to be a doctor is really right up my alley.

English is Fun | 你知道“壞事傳千里”英語怎麼表達嗎?




English is Fun | 你知道“壞事傳千里”英語怎麼表達嗎?

