


I just think because he plays a little bit different way, a lot of people, basketball purists, (say) you have to move the ball, you have to do this, you have to do that, because no one like James has ever been this efficient,” D’Antoni said. “It’s different. Sometimes when you’re different, you’re polarizing.

“我只是認為,因為他打球的方式有點不同,很多人,籃球純粹者說你必須得轉移球傳導球,你必須這樣做,你必須那樣做,但是沒有人像詹姆斯這樣有效率,” 德帥說。 “這是不同的。 有時候當你與眾不同的時候,你就是會極端化。”


“Some people like it. Some people can’t stand it. There are a lot of great articles. A lot of people love it. But there’s so many voices that we hear a lot of negatives. And we haven’t won a championship. At the end of the day, until we win a championship, they are right — to a degree.”

“有些人喜歡它。 有些人無法忍受。有抨擊的文章,有喜歡的文章,有太多的聲音,我們也聽到了很多負面的東西。 我們還沒贏過冠軍呢。 在一天結束的時候,在我們贏得冠軍之前,他們看起來很對,在某種程度上冠軍將是最終的反駁。”


There was a time even Michael Jordan was doubted when it was said that the league’s top scorer could not win a title, with perhaps no argument ever more thoroughly defeated.


