You‘ve spent most of the hour engaging in small talk.

BREE: And so, there s just the four of us. My oldest son Andrew is 16, Danielle is 15, and…

這就是我們一家四口,大兒子Andrew 16歲,Danielle 15歲。

-DR GOLDFINE: I don t need to see pictures. Bree,我不需要看這些照片。

Bree, you‘ve spent most of the hour engaging in small talk. engage in: 忙於 small talk: 閒扯


-BREE: Oh, have I? 哦,是嗎?

-DR GOLDFINE: Yes. Rex has been very vocal about his issues.

是的,Rex 對他的問題暢所欲言。

vocal: 聲音的 issue: 問題

Don t you want to discuss your feelings about your marriage?


-BREE: Um, Doc…mm… um: (表示遲疑)嗯 醫生,呃,

-REX: This is the thing you need to know about Bree. 你必須瞭解Bree

She doesn t like to talk about her feelings.


To be honest, it s hard to know if she has any. to be honest: 實在地


Does she feel anger, rage, ecstasy? Who knows? She s always… pleasant.


anger: 生氣 rage: 大怒 ecstasy: 狂喜 pleasant: 舒適的

And I can t tell you how annoying that is. annoying: 惱人的


Whatever she feels is so far below the surface that.. that none can see…


whatever: 不管什麼 so far: 迄今為止 below the surface: 深入,實際上

she uses all those domestic things.. domestic: 家庭的


-DR GOLDFINE: Bree? Bree. Bree? Bree.

-BREE: What? I-I m sorry. 什麼?呃,很抱歉。

-DR GOLDFINE: Would you like to respond to what Rex just said?你願意談談剛剛Rex所說的嗎?

respond to: 響應

-BREE: Oh, I… 呃,我

-DR GOLDFINE: Is there some truth there? Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally?他說的是真的嗎?你用家務活去掩蓋你的感情

truth: 事實 housework: 家務 disengage: 釋放 emotionally: 感情上

-BREE: Of course not. 當然不是。

